280 Commits over 731 Days - 0.02cph!
Improved Scale of Bath Tub Planter
Created and Added Bath Tub Planter Icon
Updated Bath Tub FBX Scaling
Updated Minecart Planter and Bath Tub Planter GIBs to use improved mesh
Updated Minecart Planter Soil Material to use correct Specular Map
Updated Bath Tub Planter and Minecart Planter to use a new Guide Mesh
Fixed Duplicating GIBS on the Bath Tub Planter
Setup Bath Tub Planter as ingame Planter and Deployable
Fixed Bath Tub Planter Collisions to use correct mesh
Setup Bath Tub Planter Folder Structure
Added Bath Tub Planter Textures, Materials, FBX, GIB FBX, COL FBX
Setup Basic Bath Tub Planter Prefab
Setup Bath Tub Planter Materials, LODS, GIBS
Changed Minecart Planter from 3 Seed Slot to 2 Seed Slot
Updated Minecart Planter GIB FBX to have correct rotation.
Updated Minecart Planter to have correct FBX and Collider Rotation
Added Minecart Planter Textures and Materials
Added Minecart Planter FBX and GIB FBX
Setup GIBS, LODS and Materials
Basic Minecart Planter Prefab Setup
Setup Minecart Planter Folder Structure
Added and Setup First Aid Cabinet Prop Prefab
Updated F-15E Textures to Correct Scale
Added More detailed Engine Emissive for F-15E Stike Eagle
Removed Duplicate F15E Mesh
Setup F15E Strike Eagle Flyby
Added Basic Emissive Engine Glow
Added F-15E Strike Eagle Model and Textures
Setup F-15E Materials and Basic Prefab
Updated LODS for Pipe Wrench and Spanners
Renamed Spanner Textures to match naming convention
Changed LODing Method on specific Spanners
Setup Varying Pistol Ammo World Models to change depending on stack size
Renamed Pistol Ammo World Model Variations to match naming conventions
Setup Varying Rifle Ammo World Models to change depending on stack size
Renamed Rifle Ammo World Model Variations to match naming conventions
Setup Varying Handmade Shell World Models to change depending on stack size
Renamed Handmade Shell World Model Variations to match naming conventions
Setup Varying Shotgun World Models to change depending on stack size
Renamed Shotgun World Model Variations to match naming conventions
Added and Setup Spanner Props Prefab
Added and Setup Pipe Wrench Prop Prefab
Updated Vintage Alarm Clock, Vintage Wall Clock and Smoke Detectors to meet feedback
Updates Vintage Wall Clock to meet feedback
Missed Texture Update for Vintage Alarm Clock
Updated Vintage Alarm Clock to meet feedback
Added and Setup Smoke Detector Prefabs
Updated Vintage Alarm Clock Geometry
Updated Vintage Alarms Clock Materials and Textures to have better texel density
Fixed Vintage Wall Clock LODS and Improved on Geometry
Added and Setup Vintage Alarm Clock Prefab
Vintage Wall Clock Prop Prefab Setup
Changed Ashtray and Cigarette Layer from Default to World
Changed Ashtrays and Cigarettes From LOD Group to Renderer LOD
Renamed Ashtrays to match naming convention
Renamed Scatter Cigarettes to match naming convention
Added and Setup Cigarette Scatter Meshes
Rebuilt Handmade Shotgun Shell World Model
Added Third Ash Tray Variation
Completed Third Ash Tray Prefab
Updated and Fixed Handmade Shotgun Shell World Model LOD error
Created Ash Trays and Cigarettes Prefabs
Import Ashtray Models and Materials
Setup Materials and Models
Folder and Branch Setup for new ash tray props
Setup Handmade Shotgun Shell Ammo Box World Model (Empty Variation)
Setup Handmade Shotgun Shell Ammo Box World Model (Half Variation)