userAlfie Birchcancel

201 Commits over 519 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
Updates Vintage Wall Clock to meet feedback
1 Year Ago
Missed Texture Update for Vintage Alarm Clock
1 Year Ago
Updated Vintage Alarm Clock to meet feedback
1 Year Ago
Added and Setup Smoke Detector Prefabs
1 Year Ago
Updated Vintage Alarm Clock Geometry Updated Vintage Alarms Clock Materials and Textures to have better texel density
1 Year Ago
Fixed Vintage Wall Clock LODS and Improved on Geometry
1 Year Ago
Added and Setup Vintage Alarm Clock Prefab
1 Year Ago
Vintage Wall Clock Prop Prefab Setup
1 Year Ago
Changed Ashtray and Cigarette Layer from Default to World
1 Year Ago
Changed Ashtrays and Cigarettes From LOD Group to Renderer LOD
1 Year Ago
Renamed Ashtrays to match naming convention
1 Year Ago
Renamed Scatter Cigarettes to match naming convention
1 Year Ago
Added and Setup Cigarette Scatter Meshes
1 Year Ago
Rebuilt Handmade Shotgun Shell World Model
1 Year Ago
Added Third Ash Tray Variation Completed Third Ash Tray Prefab
1 Year Ago
Updated and Fixed Handmade Shotgun Shell World Model LOD error
1 Year Ago
Created Ash Trays and Cigarettes Prefabs
1 Year Ago
Import Ashtray Models and Materials Setup Materials and Models
1 Year Ago
Folder and Branch Setup for new ash tray props
1 Year Ago
Setup Handmade Shotgun Shell Ammo Box World Model (Empty Variation)
1 Year Ago
Setup Handmade Shotgun Shell Ammo Box World Model (Half Variation)
1 Year Ago
Setup Handmade Shotgun Shell Ammo Box World Model Prefab Added Handmade Shotgun Shell Ammo Box World Model Materials
1 Year Ago
Setup Handmade Shotgun Shell Ammo Box Folders Added Handmade Shotgun Shell Ammo Box Model Variations
1 Year Ago
Setup Purple Logo Weapon Charm
1 Year Ago
Updated Pixel SMG Charm
1 Year Ago
Added Empty Rifle Ammo Box Prefab Added Half Full Rifle Ammo Box Prefab Assigned Different Rifle Ammo Box Material Variations to Empty/Half Full Prefabs
1 Year Ago
Assigned Rifle Ammo Box World Model Prefabs to Rifle Ammo Item Prefabs
1 Year Ago
Setup Rifle Ammo World Model Prefabs Setup Rifle Ammo World Model Material Variations - Explosive/HV/Incendiary
1 Year Ago
Assigned Different Pistol Ammo Material Variations to Empty/Half Full Prefabs
1 Year Ago
Added Empty Pistol Ammo Box Prefab Added Half Full Pistol Ammo Box Prefab
1 Year Ago
Setup Pistol Ammo World Model Prefabs/Folders/Materials/Textures/Models/Colliders Created Different Material Variations for Pistol Ammo World Model - Standard/Incendiary/High Velocity Assigned Pistol Ammo World Model Prefabs to Pistol Ammo Item Prefabs
1 Year Ago
Merge from Main
1 Year Ago
Merge from Main
1 Year Ago
Updated Shotgun World Model Textures
1 Year Ago
Merge from Main
1 Year Ago
Fixed PTZ Security Camera Texture Error
1 Year Ago
Updated New World Model Prefabs to have correct naming conventions
1 Year Ago
Merge From Main
1 Year Ago
Assigned World Models to correct item prefabs for : HV Rocket, Incendiary Rocket, Roadsign Gloves, Snap Trap, Shotgun Ammo and PTZ Security Camera.
1 Year Ago
Setup Roadsign Gloves World Model Prefab
1 Year Ago
Corrected Incendiary Rocket LOD Values
1 Year Ago
Added Incendiary Rocket World Model Setup Incendiary Rocket World Model Prefab
1 Year Ago
Added Snap Trap World Model Setup Snap Trap World Model Prefab
1 Year Ago
Fixed PTZ Security Camera world model collider Added High Velocity Rocket world model Setup High Velocity Rocket world model prefab
1 Year Ago
Added PTZ Security Camera world model Setup PTZ Security Camera world model prefab
1 Year Ago
Fixed Shotgun Ammo LOD Clipping Distance
1 Year Ago
Added Full Shotgun Ammo Box Prefab Created Different Material Variations for Shotgun Ammo Box World Model - Slug/Buckshot/Incendiary
1 Year Ago
Added Empty Shotgun Ammo Box Prefab
1 Year Ago
Added Half Full Shotgun Ammo Box Prefab
1 Year Ago
Updating Shotgun Ammo World Model Prefab