userBill Bcancel

178 Commits over 30 Days - 0.25cph!

1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Monitor UI WIP
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Import the faces
1 Year Ago
Rename Stake to Bet to match the 2D UI
1 Year Ago
Added the small monitor info screen layout
1 Year Ago
Better text centering - the automatic layout never quite gets this right, it always puts the text a little above center.
1 Year Ago
Auto-layout improvement to handle overlapping cards
1 Year Ago
Card row layout
1 Year Ago
Changing Surrender to Abandon, no half bet back
1 Year Ago
Basic monitor UI layout for the small Blackjack monitors
1 Year Ago
Changed handling of the player having 21
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Differentiate between a loss and not being in a round at all, so we can do different UI (this didn't matter with poker since we just show "x won the round" rather than "you lose"). Also show Bust as a different result status.
1 Year Ago
Win/Lose phrase changes
1 Year Ago
Bug fixes, and do random move correctly during betting phase
1 Year Ago
Fix poker UI errors when a player folds
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
New winner data, showing the round results in a more Blackjack-ish way. We don't really care about which players won or lost like we do in Poker, so much as just our personal result vs. the dealer.
1 Year Ago
Fixed winner and standoff result calculations
1 Year Ago
Added surrender support (mainly for players leaving the table or getting killed suddenly during a round, but can be an optional move too - pays half the bet back).
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Small cleanup
1 Year Ago
Fixed betting issues. Support three separate bets at once per player since they could have split and taken insurance. Ignore the pot, we'll destroy and create scrap as it's needed.
1 Year Ago
Handle splits in the winner calculation
1 Year Ago
Properly show when the dealer wins
1 Year Ago
Filled in missing phrases
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Win/loss phrases and UI
1 Year Ago
Handling all types of payouts
1 Year Ago
Pay out the insurance (at 2:1). Some additional cleanup.
1 Year Ago
Display insurance bet amount in the widget
1 Year Ago
Don't allow taking insurance after taking insurance
1 Year Ago
Added support for a side bet when buying Insurance. Added support for any custom icon in the player UI widget. Show Insurance icon there.
1 Year Ago
Don't let the dealer count an ace as one when deciding whether to hit or stand
1 Year Ago
Fixed dealer info not showing BUST
1 Year Ago
Handle the hidden card properly when doubling down
1 Year Ago
Sync local player pocket (secondary) cards. Handle doubling down.
1 Year Ago
Refactor/handle playing taking multiple actions during their turn properly
1 Year Ago
Revert debug card choices
1 Year Ago
More general WIP
1 Year Ago
Card game player widget card count is now dynamic (previously hard coded to two cards). Implemented "split" action.
1 Year Ago
Card players can now have a second, separate set of cards (will be used for blackjack splits)
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Blackjack
1 Year Ago
General WIP and fixes
1 Year Ago
Fixed cards now animating in the Blackjack UI
1 Year Ago
Implement EditorMakeRandomMove for Blackjack
1 Year Ago
Improved system for managing hidden cards. Allows the Blackjack dealer's first card to be hidden, and second card shown. ProtoBuf no longer needs trueCardCount.
1 Year Ago
Functions for splits, doubling down, and insurance. Sounds.