userBill Bcancel

15 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

10 Months Ago
More UI ADS tweaks
10 Months Ago
Fixed visual UI swap time
10 Months Ago
Shrunk crosshair UI to to better cover the actual lockable area
10 Months Ago
ADS timing adjustments
10 Months Ago
Flashy stuff for the UI
10 Months Ago
Homing launcher UI functionality
10 Months Ago
Moved where the ADS UI is controlled, since view model has no knowledge of the HeldEntity
10 Months Ago
Adjusted ADS timings
10 Months Ago
Adjusted launcher ADS animation curve
10 Months Ago
Merge Main -> HomingMissileLauncher/ADS
10 Months Ago
Additional work, some in previous commit, changing IronSights so Enabled isn't a public var that can be set in inspector. This was often being set to default to True, when it should have always defaulted to False and let the player's ADS input fully control it.
10 Months Ago
Nice transition for ADS into fullscreen UI
10 Months Ago
Crazy ADS zoom thing
10 Months Ago
Homing launcher now only sends a network tick if the current lock time has changed. Also fixes visual ADS glitch when switching weapons, unless currentLockTime is changing during weapon switch.
10 Months Ago
Re-enabled Homing Launcher ADS