userBill Bcancel

28 Commits over 30 Days - 0.04cph!

1 Year Ago
Fixed TriggerHurtNotChild users like vehicles and the NMS hatch showing "Killed by [blank] with a [thing]". Now if there's no player doing the killing, the thing is will appear in the Killed By field instead, with no blank fields shown.
1 Year Ago
Improved death screen info if killed by silo hatch damage trigger
1 Year Ago
Improved ring road path interest point handling
1 Year Ago
If the path is a ring road, don't include both ends as nodes in the possible pathing list. When two path points are in the exact same spot, the Bradley pathing code gets confused and starts propagating NaN through everything, breaking pathing behaviour.
1 Year Ago
More powaa
1 Year Ago
Turn off DDraw lines by default
1 Year Ago
If a spherecast hits a collider inside the initial radius of the spherecast, it says the hit point is at the world origin, which is far from ideal. For Bradley obstacle avoidance, if the hit point is zero, replace it with hit.collider.ClosestPointOnBounds( obstacleRay.origin );
1 Year Ago
Fixed issues with trace hits at the ray origin
1 Year Ago
Fixed inverted turnLeft calculation
1 Year Ago
One more tweak
1 Year Ago
Minor Bradley obstacle avoidance tweaks
1 Year Ago
General Bradley obstacle avoidance improvements
1 Year Ago
Improved how Bradley reverses out of being stuck on an obstacle
1 Year Ago
▄▆▍▅▊ ▆▄▋▅▋▆▅▌▍▍▉▍▉▉▅▍▋ -> ▆▊▊
1 Year Ago
Added some more detail to the error message when SubCategoryIntoContainer reaches the "this should never happen!" point
1 Year Ago
▊▇▍▌▉ ▋▅▋▊▇▉▉▅▉▍▄▉▅▄█▆▌ -> ▌▋▋
1 Year Ago
▊▍▄▊▍▅▌ ▉▉▅ ▆▆▆▊▍▌▋▇▊▉▇▋▊▆▌▋ ▄▅▋▇▉▆ ██ ▍▆▉█ ▊█▄▉ ▉▍▍▌ '▉▆█▍▆'
1 Year Ago
Fix compilation re DDraw
1 Year Ago
▆▆▍▆▋ ▅▊▉▉▆█▋▆▇▋▌▄█▅▇▅▌ -> ▍▊▇█▆▆▆ ▉▊▍▍▄▇▉ ▇▉▍▇
1 Year Ago
Apply BoneRetarget script to scientist nvg suit head lights
1 Year Ago
Added a hurt trigger to the underside of the hatch right above the rocket. S2P.
1 Year Ago
Added a ring of damage triggers around the edge of the NMS hatch that only activate when closed. NMS S2P.
1 Year Ago
Updated tooltip for notFlag to match the new behaviour
1 Year Ago
Use HasAny instead of HasFlag for the new notFlag check in EntityFlag_Toggle. It turns out the answer to "does something with no flags set have a flag which is no flags set?" is YES.
1 Year Ago
Enable NMS hatch hurt trigger only while the hatch is closing. S2P on NMS scene.
1 Year Ago
Add support to EntityFlag_Toggle for a "notFlag" - a flag that must NOT be set for the toggle to be on.
1 Year Ago
Cherry-pick 78925 - EntityFlag_Toggle Any/All feature
1 Year Ago
Cherrypick 81122 to NMS. Fixes chair showing as mountable when it has no valid dismount.