userBill Bcancel

15 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Full manifest rebuild
1 Year Ago
Fixed wrong workcart health value
1 Year Ago
Block material copy on WorkCart truck gibs
1 Year Ago
Fixed WorkCart glass visuals being active (returned to having no glass)
1 Year Ago
Fixed train track selection being the opposite of expected if the driver is in a train engine that is facing in the opposite direction to the primary (front) train car in a coupled train
1 Year Ago
Merge WorkCartVariant -> Sav225. Adds a new WorkCart above-ground variant with additional cover at the rear.
1 Year Ago
Oops, remove debugging
1 Year Ago
Fixed NRE when destroying train cars with timed explosives. Correctly unassign completetrain in RemoveFromCompleteTrain and do more null checks.
1 Year Ago
Added additional preferred alternate paths for the train cars. Fixes train cars sometimes getting pulled a little way down the wrong path at a junction before correcting themselves.
1 Year Ago
Added an explanatory comment
1 Year Ago
Remove missed debug print
1 Year Ago
- Code review: Use pooling for GetAll. - Fixed errors when wagons are spawned not on tracks.
1 Year Ago
Reduce to 60m, 75m made the valid areas of some siding spawns very short
1 Year Ago
Increased rail spawn population MIN_MARGIN from 40m to 75m. The new side rails take longer to diverge, which was sometimes causing spawned trains to block the main track a bit.
1 Year Ago
Fixed incorrect WorldSpline tangent results when the splines were on scaled transforms. TransformVector includes scaling but TransformDirection doesn't