19 Commits over 59 Days - 0.01cph!
Use way less DrawRect calls in PlayerDamageIndicators until we have DrawPoly or equivalent
Revert "Fix NRE in CycleSpawnCameras()"
This reverts commit ed750a98a896710239f4b9a307af1b94a16c8051.
Added Clock Ticking and Game Start SFX for warmup state. Fix warmup UI flashing in for a few frames when `sbdm.gameloop` is 0
Fix NRE in CycleSpawnCameras()
Don't play the Flatline Sound for bots on the host
Add sound for multikill in the killfeed with rising pitch as the kill count increases.
Clear damage vignette on destroy and add NotNetworked flag to ensure it can't be received in the initial snapshot. #170
Inventory UI is slightly larger so it's easier to see and weapon names are displayed in the active InventorySlot
Added GameSettings class for local convars. Added `sbdm.viewbob` and `sbdm.screenshake`. Reduced default screenshake values, but can be restored by setting screenshake to 1. #109
Ammo display turns red while clip is empty/reloading
Inventory will always put you back at your current weapon when cancelling selection with right click and will auto-dismiss after 2s
Switching weapons by hitting LMB no longer fires the active weapon on connected clients. Resolves #84
Don't run PickupNotice if Player is bot (prevents popups from appearing on host client when bots pick up weapons)
Projectiles now ignore any objects with `particles` tag. Prevents rockets from instantly explosing since they would collide with the casing eject particle
Crossbow now animates the FOV in/out on zoom
Updated crossbow zoom shader so it's less invasive and now eases in
Can now zoom with the crossbow, created basic shader for the overlay. Resolves #90
Reduce camera punch on crossbow when zoomed in, slight pinch effect on the overlay
Crossbow no longer has incorrect muzzle/eject transforms. Resolves #87
Don't include Explosions in snapshot. Resolves #102
Implemented ILocalPlayerEvent.OnTakeDamage. Pass DamageInfo instead of just amount so we can get more info from the event
Added PlayerDamageIndicators Component, flashes a red vignette when taking damage
Added directional damage indicators when hurt
(lifetime is exaggerated for video)
Fix NRE when bot task tries to respawn after ending game/exiting play mode
Use IsOwner checks instead of IsProxy in `PlayerCameraEffects` so bot players don't affect the local player's camera