118 Commits over 181 Days - 0.03cph!
Make sure rubert checks the dialogue state
Update SceneTriggers in first two levels
Fix the player randomly clinging onto non-existent walls
Refactored DiveAbility to make a bit more sense
Fix E not always Interacting and fix NPC state
Fix releasing jump slowing your fall while maintaining short pressses
Fix jump from dive on the ground
Save Interactable/NPC states to GameSave. This isn't really used yet
NPCs now have "!" above their head if they have something new to say, showing InputGlyph when in range
NPC progression updates, saves, and loads proper.
Collected items do not respawn when reloading a save
Can now check if a dialogue is completed directly instead of having to make a weird 2nd copy. Updated into area accordingly
Show current map icon on save select
Load into the previous scene/entrance on save load
Scenes are now properly tied to MapResources and saved to the save file
Started Save System + Safe OnPlatform check
Coins and Items save to file. Collectables that have already been collected will not respawn
StartupScene is not the main menu
Hooked up the save UI to the save slots
Diving from a ground slam now has a similar cooldown
Add cooldown to jumping out of a dive
Fix running speed animator
Can cancel Dive with a Jump
Can now dive out of a ground slam
WishVelocity Acceleration on Player
Rising Pitch w each Coin Pickup
Update Train animgraph so it enters idle animation after completing the entrance
Physics Player Controller (#13)
Minor controller adjustments
Update PhysicsCharacter
Merged menu character animgraph into normal character animgraph. Character now looks at cursor on main menu
Added Head and Body LookAts to character animgraph
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-piecrumb
CoinUI now animates up/down when pickup up/taking more than 1 coin at once
Added "NPC" Mixer
Added `give_coins` and `give_item` commands
Added ItemPickup.SpawnPickup and Dialogue.OnDialogueComplete. Made Ginnie spawn item after dialogue
Added Level Panel that displays Level information
Fixed Interactable Prompts overlapping if you edged the interact radius
Created ItemResource and ItemPickup
Created first item with temp art/model.
Added Pickup Sounds
Added Item Storage to Inventory Component, with InventoryUI
Implemented NextDialogueCondition proper, setup basic rubert condition
Can now in-line items in dialogue with <item:id[:name]> tags
Set up Ginnie dialogue condition
Don't look towards forward when standing still. Set ViewAngles to forward angles while moving so you don't look elsewhere when you stop
Added Reset Camera button to make the camera face the forward direction of the player instantly
Combined the best of the two cameras.
Camera follows the forward vector when not moving the mouse
Created player_gizmo vmdl
DeathUI is now FadeUI and can be called externally
Created SceneEntrance and SceneTrigger Components.
Added scene triggers to intro area / platforming stages
Fix CoinUI NRE
Improved climbing collisions immensely, works properly on rotating blocks
Move collision improvements for climbing. Can climb between different objects now.
Slight adjustment to climb up
Added proper friction to climbing
Independent X/Y checking on grate movement
Improved climbing up a fence
Added HasParentControl to Ability
Started on climbing on rotating/moving platforms. Still needs more work.
Added/Updated Ground Slam Particles, reduced hangtime from standstill
Reduced Dive cooldown
Pressing SPACE while dialogue is typing will instantly finish typing instead of skipping it. Then next SPACE press will skip it.
Fixed animations not looping and instead just playing the first frame
Added <bold> <shake> and <wiggle> tags
Animations is now a list that can apply to multiple targets. DefaultAnimation still targets SpeakingObject for convenience
Pre-calculate parsed dialogue at the start of each entry, so box doesn't resize with the dialogue
Added support for <anim:x> tags in dialogue
Added Water Footsteps/Particles
Fix player not always jumping out of a dive when pressing space
Added Dive/Slide particles
Made it so you can't cancel a Dive mid-air
Added short Hop when left clicking while sliding from a dive
Diving into a jump pad will cancel the dive. Sliding to a halt will cause you to exit the sliding state
Fix Pause Menu not being able to unpause properly
Fix WallJump making you jump a nearby wall when grounded
Improved the wall slide and fixed Ability.HasGravity
Added wall slide particles (will look a lot better once there's an anim)
Remove some logs
Exit running state when running into a wall
Added NPC template and Dialogue Bubble fixes
Basic Rubert NPC + Dialogue
Added Prefabs/Templates for a bunch of useful stuff
Fix player sliding around sometimes. Abilities now have more control over the player.
Added LaunchAbility and updated Jump Pad to use it to launch you along a perfect trajectory.
Added ParsedDialogue class and DialogueEntry.GetParsedDialogue(). Includes support for <pause:time> tags
First Pass on DialogueBubbleUI, Cutscene Manager now displays dialogue via this Panel.
CameraTargets now have EditorHandles and Gizmos, rework their functionality too.
Created basic Dialogue Component
Rewrote CutsceneManager to take in Dialogue instead of MovieClips. Remade the test cutscene to work with the rewrite.
Added Dynamic FOV to the Camera, changing when player is running
Center on character when fully zoomed
Player has a Rigidbody so they can be pushed around now. Moving Platforms are awesome now :D