
49 Commits over 60 Days - 0.03cph!

5 Months Ago
Update for clothing api
5 Months Ago
Make tracer come from muzzle if proxy
5 Months Ago
Hide VM camera for other players. When setting initial comp references, include disabled as setting from OnAwake
5 Months Ago
Don't serialize view models with the scene snapshot
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Fixed MP5 view model arms, and VMs now all good
6 Months Ago
Need to set viewmodel camera constantly to main camera position to have particles render in the right place?
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Add initial View Model support - make MP5 use view model to test. Camera borked
6 Months Ago
Post process, grunt when hurt, health regen - visualize health
6 Months Ago
Attempt to make sounds better until get some new ones
6 Months Ago
Deploy starting weapon when respawning. Don't increase ammo count forever each respawn
6 Months Ago
Added basic lobby menu to create or join servers
6 Months Ago
Add temporary kill notification in chat until I sort a killfeed Respawn
6 Months Ago
Actually show Kills and Deaths
6 Months Ago
Add scoreboard with kills/deaths, add ragdoll controller and ragdoll on death. add HUD with ammo count. Add rudimentary crosshair with hitmarker anim.
6 Months Ago
Add nametag. Configure chat. Add PickupSpawner gizmo stuff
6 Months Ago
Added pickup system - change the way deploying and holstering works
6 Months Ago
Add SpawnPointStripper component for when you want to remove all spawnpoints that come with a map
6 Months Ago
Add crouch support but disable for now. Ensure head doesn't clip through stuff when jumping
6 Months Ago
Lower sprint speed. Use Killhouse as test map.
6 Months Ago
Less silly API for one shot particle
6 Months Ago
Don't always play hitmarker
6 Months Ago
Add smoke puffs when firing. IHealthComponent. Implement health / damage for players. Network damage. Blood effect
6 Months Ago
Add ClothingContainer.ApplyWithComponent extension. PlayerDresser uses ApplyWithComponent Add WeaponComponent.Initialized - set ModelRenderer OnAwake Add ClothingComponent - update visibility for head clothing depending on if proxy, set to cast shadows only if not
6 Months Ago
Add Facepunch.Arena.ChangeAttribute Remove old WasDeployed OnUpdate check - use ChangeCallback
6 Months Ago
Added AmmoContainer, ammo system and reload
6 Months Ago
Added muzzle flash
6 Months Ago
Cheeky business to hide player's head for owner so it will never clip, but still render full shadow with head
6 Months Ago
Can use GetAttachment and use muzzle for shoot pos now (thanks layla!)
6 Months Ago
Added SoundSequenceData resource and SoundSequence class. Add reload sound sequences to USP and MP5.
6 Months Ago
Add FireSound and DeploySound to WeaponComponent
6 Months Ago
Footstep aounds
6 Months Ago
Add Extensions.GetTemplate for PrefabScene
6 Months Ago
Add WeaponContainer
6 Months Ago
Remove redundant param
6 Months Ago
Kind of better handling of switching weapons on network / mp5 test Basic spread and recoil, auto fire
6 Months Ago
Dress player
6 Months Ago
Fire Rate, Deploy Time, GiveWeapon, SelectNextWeapon, SelectPreviousWeapon
6 Months Ago
OneShotParticle extension, WeaponManager to store prefabs
6 Months Ago
Check valid scene
6 Months Ago
Test weapon networked tracer
6 Months Ago
Use NetworkSpawn - players now have their own pistol
6 Months Ago
Update to give org
6 Months Ago
Try to give a starting weapon to test
6 Months Ago
FOV change
6 Months Ago
Test weapon / better camera
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Initial commit