
725 Commits over 516 Days - 0.06cph!

1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Tidy up / add MeleeWeapon and have Axe, Pickaxe, Sword inherit from it
1 Year Ago
Differentiate axes for gameplay Material alterations
1 Year Ago
Removed the 4 sword vmdls and have 1 with bodygroups. Add pickaxe world/view vmdl placeholder
1 Year Ago
Fixed range of all melee tools and weapons (divide range by voxel size)
1 Year Ago
Add NotoSansSymbols2-Regular and use it for the unknown items. Ensure randomized symbols for items are seeded by the item type Add red values for resources the player cannot afford
1 Year Ago
Test add text shadow to item name
1 Year Ago
ugh Other fixes
1 Year Ago
Added vortexbomb.loop
1 Year Ago
Implement vortex bomb particles
1 Year Ago
Added fireball hit and launch sounds Add IConsumableItem and make BrewItem implement it Players can now press a hotbar key to immediately consume that item without switching weapons Add Throwable weapon class and update v_portal (rename later) to use as a base for throwable magic type Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Fixed purple being cyan and cyan being purple 🥴
1 Year Ago
Add test detail models to DevBlock
1 Year Ago
Re-styled the Storage, AirdropStore, ItemStore and TeamUpgrades dialogs to better fit theme
1 Year Ago
Update color palette. Fix path errors. Change Vortex Bomb to an item.
1 Year Ago
Updating styling
1 Year Ago
Add ColorPalette static class. Update all items to use colors from that palette. Increase inventory icon sizes. Update item icons.
1 Year Ago
Added random symbols for names and descriptions of items you haven't unlocked yet through upgrades. Sort all items in the item store by their sort order. Implement airdrop land particles.
1 Year Ago
Implement Crossbow Tier 2 particle effects
1 Year Ago
Have airdrops continue to drop down even if they've previously landed (if they land on buildable blocks that are then removed later)
1 Year Ago
Added airdrop.falling and sounds. Implement particle effect. Don't show hud icon if it hasn't landed yet (gets in the way of the lovely effects.) Do a secondary sweep trace to check if we're about to land and then play the landing sound.
1 Year Ago
Update voxels submodule Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Added Floating Damage indicators when dealing damage to players or cores
1 Year Ago
Add world hud elements for generators and the player's own team's core
1 Year Ago
Don't reset Material in Render2D.Image. Add IHudRenderer and implement it for Airdrop
1 Year Ago
Added Render2DExtension and Render2D.Image
1 Year Ago
Add cw_friendly_fire convar Shorten melee range on Axe, Pickaxe and Sword Respect friendly fire for player vs player Add core hit sounds Add TeamCore.MaxHealth (def: 200f), respect friendly fire convar, play core hit sounds, and automatically heal the core 1HP every half second Tweak item.dropped sound and add brew.activate Add BrewItem.OnActivated to replace OnConsumed, add BrewItem.Consume and optional activation delay Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Enable friendly fire Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars Added core.explode1 and core.explode2 and add cw_core_revive and fix core explode cmd
1 Year Ago
Prepare Team Core for explosion effect Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars Add cw_explode_core test command to blow up your own core Update death effect path
1 Year Ago
Add *.generated.* to .gitignore
1 Year Ago
Update core particle color on client. Create core particle on client. Disable collision and drawing for a core that is dead.
1 Year Ago
Added Color to IPurchasableItem and InventoryItem. Add colored names for different item types for tooltips and shop displays. Fix Buy button not working.
1 Year Ago
Add tag to the right thing. Don't allow scrolling on PurchaseItem costs container.
1 Year Ago
Add AirdropStore UI dialog. Add all items with "airdrop" tag to the airdrop store. Add IItemStore interface and implement it in ItemStoreNPC and Airdrop entities.
1 Year Ago
Added Airdrop entity. Game will periodically drop airdrops at a random airdrop spawnpoint throughout the game. Airdrop shops are not yet interactable.
1 Year Ago
Fixed compile error
1 Year Ago
Added AirdropSpawnpoint entity for voxel worlds Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Keep reference to PE and destroy when required
1 Year Ago
Added inventory.move,,, item.purchase,, sound events Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
alpha Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Added Tooltip and ITooltipProvider. Added Group and Tier to Blowtorch and Watergun. Updated Draggable position. Completely stripped out Name and Description and Icon from Shop Item definitions. Update all items to have a description. Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars Automatically destroy brew particle effects after 3 seconds
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Add hit and break sounds for remaining blocks
1 Year Ago
Add support for block destroy sound
1 Year Ago
Fixed various sounds + block state stuff + added sword.hit sound. Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Sound tweaks. Add missing sounds. Damage changes. Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Update to fix speeling mistake. Add crossbow impact particle effect.
1 Year Ago
Tweak sounds which had way too much random pitch Tweak other sounds Implement particle effects by @bakscratch and add CrossbowBoltProjectile. Various improvements to projectiles. Spawn proxy projectile from Crossbow view model (temp hack as it has no muzzle attachment.) Update all weapons to not have name, desc as they are handled by their item counterparts. Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Add Portal + Fireball to shop. Implement Portal particle effects and add Portal placeholder sounds. Implement item pickup effect. Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Refactor swords and add placeholders for all and automatically change view model and world model according to item description. Scale damage with it Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars