
295 Commits over 882 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
Support for closest-corner, farthest-corner, .., and radial offset
1 Year Ago
Initial work for new text gradients
1 Year Ago
A working example for the VirutalScrolling ui test
1 Year Ago
Fixed text alignment
1 Year Ago
Fix addon editor getting squished and not scrolling
2 Years Ago
Fix some odd behaviour with PanelTransform lerps sbox-issues/issues/2241
2 Years Ago
Remove matrix array from PanelTransform, just use the struct
2 Years Ago
Convert backgroundAngle to a turn value, consistent with `to left/right/..` sbox-issues/issues/2271
2 Years Ago
Allow BindingFlags.Static for Change callbacks Fixes sbox-issues/issues/2245
2 Years Ago
Null ErrorList singleton on destroy Fix for sbox-issues/issues/2175
2 Years Ago
Panels with pointer-events set HasMouseInput / HasMouseVisible
2 Years Ago
Implement paused state for animation-play-state
2 Years Ago
Remove dead code causing an error when creating game resources
2 Years Ago
Fix box-shadow's border-radius not matching up
2 Years Ago
Fix error list resetting its filter on hotload
2 Years Ago
Don't load into remembered map if the gamemode wants Empty
2 Years Ago
Set BoxPosition attribute when rendering backdrops Fixes blur and other filters not covering WorldPanel correctly
2 Years Ago
Remove invalid css Minimum height for folder error box to prevent text getting clipped
2 Years Ago
Don't try to instantiate interfaces when finding code editor Fixes an issue breaking some users addon manager if they don't have VS or VSCode installed
2 Years Ago
Add support for "Any With Support" map selection mode to map select page
2 Years Ago
Maintain previously selected configuration after opening launcher properties Enable Save button after selecting a package from s&works Add launch configurations to tools dropdown Consistent with project settings menu Fix launcher losing its selection when editing the actively selected config
2 Years Ago
Fix Entity.Position description
2 Years Ago
Fix unfinished transitions getting reset on state change
2 Years Ago
Inject EnsureSufficientExecutionStack everywhere
2 Years Ago
DebugOverlay's ComboBox remembers its selection after a hotload
2 Years Ago
Fixes error where a local addon's meta won't deserialize strings to enums
2 Years Ago
Fix ../'s in scss paths causing hotloads to fail
2 Years Ago
Fix typo Killed transitions jump to final state before being removed
2 Years Ago
Supply correct dimension and shorthand for background-size transitions Add transition for background-position
2 Years Ago
Pain day 3 for game template
2 Years Ago
Support copying graphemes outside TextEntry too Improve console text selection Improve behaviour of label selection if drag rect is negative size
2 Years Ago
Fix Global.IsDedicatedServer not true on dedi
2 Years Ago
Assign Global.ServerSteamId on server too
2 Years Ago
Don't stomp horizontal scroll velocity
2 Years Ago
Add slight delay to prevent re-activating keybind when clicking Settings style tweak to help with 4:3 aspect ratio Add Facial & Gloves to avatar menu
2 Years Ago
Settings cleanup and theme consistency
2 Years Ago
Avatar & setting page style improvements
2 Years Ago
More cleanup
2 Years Ago
Ctrl + home/end support for multiline inputs
2 Years Ago
Grapheme support for TextEntry's ctrl + left/right navigation, and a bit of cleanup Update SelectWord to work with word boundaries Double click and dragging will select whole words Cleanup
2 Years Ago
Fix out of range exception, cleanup
2 Years Ago
Fix caret and selection ruined from certain emojis like 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Fix caret position when doing realtime emoji replace Fix potential out of range exception Fix realtime emoji replacement not working if a grapheme exists in string already
2 Years Ago
Fix caret position when pasted text contains emojis Add a emoji replacement to textentry tests Fix caret position when clicking and navigating with up/down arrows
2 Years Ago
Fix asset absolute path getting stomped by Path.Combine Fix assets from other gamemodes getting uploaded when paths are similar, i.e. c:\addon and c:\addon-two
2 Years Ago
Adjust sensitivity slider's range and format
2 Years Ago
Fix error creating lobby when gamemode's maplist is not null but empty
2 Years Ago
Theme consistency
2 Years Ago
Fix caret position on newline characters Previous fix missed an edge case and did not work with emojis, hope this way isn't shit
2 Years Ago
Fix up/down arrow caret navigation on multiline inputs
2 Years Ago
Fix CheckBox not pulling package meta bool binds