
59 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

12 Days Ago
Disabled pooling on cooking wb
12 Days Ago
Changed LightEx execution order, it was kickin in after AmbientLightLOD, causing it to register incorrect intensity values This fixes the cooking workbench oven turning into the sun when fading back in
12 Days Ago
Cooking workbench effect fixes: Split tea and oven effects, so cooking bread won't trigger the teas effects and vice versa While cooking bread, turning the BBQ on an off won't turn the fire off While cooking meat in the BBQ, starting and stopping bread from the mixing table won't turn off the fire
12 Days Ago
Fixed mixing table and cooking wb preparing sounds not stopping after a recipe finishes, introduced by 115218
12 Days Ago
Fixed cooking workbench turn on and turn off interactions showing when aiming at the shelves
13 Days Ago
Compile fixes
13 Days Ago
Cooking workbench: Show oven fire effects when cooking pies or bread Disabled 'only one user' Put bread on top of the recipe list so its not in the middle of the pies
13 Days Ago
Cooking wb oven ignite, extinguish and cooking sounds
13 Days Ago
Restored mixing table VFXs
13 Days Ago
Cooking wb meats and effects pos
13 Days Ago
Meat pos tweaks Particle setup, play and stop when the meat starts and stops cooking
13 Days Ago
Meat now stops sizzling when fully cooked Fixes
13 Days Ago
Cooking workbench bbq doesnt block bullet
13 Days Ago
Static hobo barrel cooking visuals
13 Days Ago
Sizzling sounds for all ovens VisualFood gameobject stripping
13 Days Ago
Tweaked bbq and camper bbq item overflow pos
13 Days Ago
Fixed cauldron and hobo barrel item overflow drop pos
13 Days Ago
Fixed cooking workbench BBQ item drop position
13 Days Ago
Meat sizzling sound and effect spawning logic, wip
13 Days Ago
Kettle sounds
13 Days Ago
Unshelved petur's meat cooking effects
13 Days Ago
Cooking workbench bbq meat position tweaks
13 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
14 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
14 Days Ago
Use property blocks when lerping food color
14 Days Ago
Fixed the fix 114920 Cooking lerp was not working anymore
14 Days Ago
Fixed cooking workbench erroring when cooking meals without any visuals (low grade fuel, ammo..)
14 Days Ago
Fixed player buff UI not ticking down Tooltip also count down when hovering now
15 Days Ago
Cooking workbench physic materials
15 Days Ago
Compile fixes Hobo barrel cooking visuals fixes ParticleSystemContainer support in food model
15 Days Ago
Fixed cooking visual model not being destroyed after starting another recipe Tweakls
15 Days Ago
Pies cooking animation
15 Days Ago
Bread cooking visuals Loaf gradually inflates while cooking
15 Days Ago
Kettle when preparing teas
15 Days Ago
Cooking visuals for all meats
15 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
15 Days Ago
Cooking visuals for all pies
15 Days Ago
Cooking workbench cooking visuals Apple pie setup
15 Days Ago
Adding raw food on top of a cooked food slot will now replace it correctly
15 Days Ago
Fixed NRE when smelting empty cans
15 Days Ago
Code cleanup and comments, split BaseOven into two files
15 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update
15 Days Ago
VisualFoodSettings prefab attribute
15 Days Ago
Clean any meat prefabs when destroying ovens
15 Days Ago
Camper bbq visual cooking setup
15 Days Ago
Hobo barrel visual cooking setup
15 Days Ago
Fireplace meat setup
15 Days Ago
Cauldron and skull firepit meat setup
15 Days Ago
Renamed rabbit meat icons
15 Days Ago
Campfire meat setup