19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Removed BlockInputsWhilePlayingInstrument stuff from buttons.cs (this is the wrong way to do this)
Skip the whole UnloadBundles to see if that fixes the "The file 'none' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again!" errors
Fixed compile error in UIMusicHelpDisplay
UpdateBundleAssignments really is just repeating functionality of BuildAssetBundles.BuildMap
Debug output around LoadBundle/UnloadBundles since the errors seem to start right after world cleanup
Restored bundle flags to pre-garry fucked everything up version
Restoring UpdateBundleAssignments
Adding Prefabs.unity back in maps.bundle
Sound folder bundle restore
Removed team ordering
Fixed wrong image showing on usercard
Fix for eyes clipping through ceilings when crouch jumping
Undo NeedsSteamDLC comment out
DLC unlock for everyone
Remove audio bundle
Just check for .plastic folder
directoryEmpty shoudl probably return
Audio bundle fixes
Don't preload content.undle
PlasticSCM stuff to artifacts
Delete the workspace folder if it's empty
Switch back to content.bundle
Load content while generating world
Prefab bundles using FileSystem_Warmup's exclude filter
Localization, InventoryItems
Throw exception properly if assets/skins.asset not found
Do prefab warmup in FileSystem_Warmup
Call FileSystem_Warmup in benchmark/demo for parity
Don't forget to include the GameManifest in the bundles
Added pool.prewarm convar
Don't PrefabPoolWarmup in editor
Throw exception if no items loaded
Don't try to pre-fill the cache
PrefabPoolWarmup preloads prefabs.preload.bundle
Put all the prefabs in prefabs.preload.bundle
When bundle is preloaded, add results to object cache
Show error properly if can't load a bundle
Preload specifically
Wait for preloading to finish in bootstrap
Do PrefabPoolWarmup before WorldSetup
Converted items.asset to bundle load
Removed unsued classes
Added skinnable loading safeguards
Show reports if a decent number of them hit
Put skinnables in skinnables.preload.bundle
On assetbundle load, async preload any bundles with "preload" in the name
Added Filesystem.LoadAllFromBundle<t>
Removed GameManifest.skinnables- load from bundle instead