19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Sidebar order
Fixed sticking ? after every param in generic
Made our own TimeAgo
inlinecode hilight in editor
Sidebar sorting fix
Sidebar fixes
Changelist again
Update SteamworksRealm.cs
Search show "more" at the bottom of the results
Search realm fixes
Sidebar cleanup
Added Category, field output, DryRun
Sidebar node address, trimleft
Styles fixup
Added globals to gmod realm
interface/class split in steamworks realm
Better sidebar building
Sidebar tree catering
Remove active class from details too
Function/Member/Type blocks set category
removed page.Priority
Update Navigate.ts
Don't update the page if it's the same, make sure address is valid
Simplified PrintTitle
Cinematic tools category for paddy
Remove old sdk
New parser, no code skimming
Interface generation fixes
Put callbacks in different file to structs
Give enums an appropriate type
Update Generator.csproj
Skip come complcated structs
EGameSearchErrorCode_t fix
Skip NetIdentity
Skip SteamNetworkingQuickConnectionStatus
Manual create SteamNetworkingErrMsg
Split textures up slightly because it's 2020 and you still get texture corruption in Unity if a bundle is over 4gb
Select function name easier
Headline, bold, link highlighting
Fixed jit.util bullshit
anchor link fix
Page creation better
Server Initialize fixes
Call SetupInterface on startup
IsCallResult not used
Removing the new networking stuff (for now)
Adding SteamMatchmakingServers interface (for uniformity)
Remove old vtable lookups
Converting to flat
New initialization methods
hdrp ds using wrong appid
Send a success message if build was failing and is now good again
Check that Unity.exe exists
throw exception if steam script not found
Don't commit .user file
new Changelist style
Whitespace fix in editor
Fixed anchors blurring the screen
tsconfig update
Exception throwing template