19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Fix timeout when querying EAC bans
New sidebar on MenuUI.prefab
Merge from /main/accountalerts
Show read messages half alpha
Show unread messages, mark as read when viewing
DynamicMouseCursor: don't change to finger if button is disabled
RustLayout as a MaxHeight
Added Bottom mode to RustLayout
RustLayout calls parent RustLayout if size changes
Added unread messages notification on the main menu
Fixed NRE in RustButton when no Text object
Added RustText.SetPhraseArguments( object[] )
Added Rust.UI.Video control
Get account notices on startup
Editor Menu option to toggle manifest debug/localhost
Removed unused analytic stuff
Added IModel to access Model from inside plugins
Fixed legacy report not setting TargetSteamId
Removing unused shit
Database refresh
Deleting unneeded shit
Process feedback3
Send a message to the server/rcon on report
Show player that last killed us first in the report list
Don't hide death screen when opening report dialogs
Don't show self in friends list
Don't allow multiple UIDialog's to be open
Disable IncludeRecentlyPlayedWith until we have GetFriendCoplayGame in steamworks
Fixed scrolllist sensitivity
Remove debug code that I realised was there as soon as I pressed commit
ReportPlayer include people from our recently played with list
SteamFriendList, SteamUserButton - request the player name and refresh if it if's [unknown]
F7 opens new report dialog instead of website
Fixed spelling in reportPlayer success message
Nicer result text
Subject needed