19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Fill in the report details we know
Death screen report open new dialog
Skins can replace meshes (experimental)
Fixed friend list ordering backwards to what was intended
Dropdown highlight current selected option
Don't allow click button if disabled
Added RustControl.SetDisabled
Fixed Dropdown Icons
Fixed Dropdown not firing change event
Added styles to Menu Control
Added styles to RustInput (:pressed is :active)
RustLayout can reverse order
Added Right to RustLayout
Fixed ItemIcon shader not adhering to Mask2D
Button to absorb LocalizeText component
Phrase generation searches for ILocalize on components
Fixed exception in text editor
Added button to convert from TMP to RustText
Stripped TMP StyleSheet BullSheet
Strip TextMeshPro sprite bullshit
Menu options to create Rust.UI prefabs
Remove menu options for creating Unity.UI text based components
Remove menu options for creating TMP text based components
Added RectTransformEx
Added VectorEx functions
Added BoundsEx functions
Added SingletonComponent.InitializeSingletons( go )
Move DestroyAllChildren to Facepunch.UnityEngine
Move ColorEx to Facepunch.UnityEngine
Deleted unused duplicate SingletonComponent
Added Rust.Localization module
Moving Filesystem class to Filesystem module
Added Rust.Demo
Added "demo.jump" (jump to time in demo)
Added "demo.skip" (skip x seconds in demo, use negative to go backwards)
Backporting modular benchmarks
Fixed official servers getting blacklisted
Initial commit
Server watch test (spams chat to slack)
Triggers for instruments branch
Rename DecalRecycle to Decal
Strip HDRP DecalProjector from effect decals
Fixed some decals spawning sidewards (HDRP IVersionable ordeal)
Decals Test scene
Play regular benchmark demo as part of benchmarking
Show current date/time when benchmarking
Show BenchmarkInfo
Set benchmark report results
Report at the end of the benchmarks
Run benchmarks via Benchmarking class