19,139 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Post changes to discord for Rust
Fixed not being able to scroll if cursor between servers
"New Shit" icons, don't do anything yet
Don't copy steam_api64.dll to root
LoadingScreen TextMeshPro
Show last wipe on server list entries 😍
Can order by last wipe on server list
Server favourites work again
Show when server was last played in history tab
ServerInfo (AddTo|RemoveFrom)(History|Favorites) works
Added SteamMatchmaking.GetFavoriteServers()
Changed FriendGameInfo GamePort to ConnectionPort to match ServerInfo
Fixed space in paddy's name
Fixed workshop being default tab on menu
Fixed workshop NRE errors when on publishing tab
Fixed workshop interface blocked due to layer order
Removed UIWorkshop.unity (no longer used)
Fixed skin list not working on workshop list
Inventory cleanup
Options fixes
Fixed UI/Colourize shader not obeying rect mask
Added VirtualScroller
ServerBrowser lists use VirtualScroller (saves ~12,000 objects)
Fixed freeze when opening map
Added GetAuthSessionTicketAsync, which waits on GetAuthSessionTicketResponse_t before returning
Pie menu text wrapping fix
Dev UI item font fix
Fixed vitals order on HUD
Fixed tooltips on HUD
Enable child lock on inventory
Fixed pending/blocked friends showing in server list
UI.Dialogs don't use SceneToPrefab
Switched from UI scenes to prefabs
Session button works
Pie menu uses TMP
Smoother client bootstrap
Bootstrap/Console use TMP
NewsBox uses HttpImage
HttpImage names the textures it creates
Filled out FriendGameInfo
Fix servers not loading properly if launching with a -load param
Server list layout
Show friend's name on server list entry if in server
Server gamemode tags/describers
Fix Session button unclickable
Menu tweaks
Added ConvertToTextMeshProTools
Fixed CJK not rendering properly in TMP
Test for server not getting item definitions
Fixed SteamInventory not getting events on server
Add SteamServersConnected_t and SteamServerConnectFailure_t callbacks to SteamServer
Merge pull request #255 from FromZeus/master
Add ServersConnected and ServerConnectFailure callbacks to SteamServer
Don't throw exception in LoadManifest if something is wrong
Steamworks update - should read item flags properly on windows
SteamItemDetails_t should read flags properly on windows
InventoryItem.Flags uses SteamItemFlags
Show crafted item when unlocking a crate
Windows specific on overloaded functions in ISteamGameServerStats
Fixed disconnect button not showing
Added InventoryResult.BelongsTo( <steamid> )
InventoryManager refactor
Fixed scrapping multiple items not working