19,139 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
ISteamMatchmakingServers Parser
ISteamFriends interface
Fixed IsReturnedWeird ordering
ServerList timeout option
Fixed parse error
Pass ** as ref
Friends base
Async avatars
Friends Swap
Steamworks.User functions
User events
User Test
Removed Voice class (is all in User now)
nullsafe invokes
Remove old app
Parental settings
Utils complete
Exception on 32bit
Internal interfaces do the await callback automatically
FileDetails SHA1
ISteamApps Methods Complete
SteamApiCallback to result
Struct callback cleanup
Callback structs implement Steamworks.ISteamCallback
Use new structs properly
Parse and use STEAM_CALL_RESULT to pass result type back
Added Utils.GetResult( call ) (generic)
Apps.GetFileDetails propert async working example
Test updates
Test fix
Better vector marshalling
More functions
Interface string
ISteamUtils generation
Parse from source (it's more reliable)
Start fumbling the actual vtable instead of the flat functions
Easymode/Singleton redux
Steam controller input fixes
libsteam_api64.so to libsteam_api.so
Remove steam_api.dll
Update steam_api64.dll
Unit test dlls
Don't need steam_api.dll in tests
Throw warning if trying to use in 32bit process
Don't bother copying steam_api.dll
Throw error if interface_pointer is null
Marshal bool properly
Dropped net35 supoport
64bit only
Steamworks 144
Fixes, Codegen
Fixed early outing with enum for no reason
Fixed RetrieveConnectionDetails char* type
ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage new modal param
Parse newer style STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN
Turned fire sound off for clatter helmet
PropertyAttribute json fix
HudComponent.SetValue throw decent errors on fail
Update ClassInfo on hotload
OnNetworkVariableReceived doesn't use codegen
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
Register classes in Sandbox.Library and Sandbox.Public
Update facepunch.mp4
ListSerializer more explicit
Added INetworkEntityReference
EntityListSerializer implements INetworkSerializable
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
Call MarkDirty instead of backing field stuff
MarkDirty virutal
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
Implemented NetworkList.Serialize
Implemented OnReplicatedPropertyChanged
Take propery name from attribute
Starting codegen simplify
Strip initializer if custombackingfield
Compiler show actual source instead of generated
IProperty allows classes like ObservableCollection initialize their change callbacks
NetworkedList uses IProperty
RecvVar reads the target id (meaning child rpc classes should be able to have replicated vars)
CompilerProxy clean
PropertyAttribute allows properties without a Set accessor, ignores SetValue
INetworkSerializable will only create ValueTypes, but will serialize to existing Classes
Removed redundant INetworkSerializable
List LAN servers in server browser
Errors in one HUD component shouldn't kill the rest of them
Lock change trigger when deserializing NetworkList
Cleaning & Commenting CodeGen
ReplicateAttribute doesn't try to replicate classes by default
BackingField for RpcClient derived is NetworkRef<T>
RpcClient => BaseNetworkable
Set BackingField var
Use Backing Field for ReadValue/WriteValue
Clean up backing field
Cleanup progress
Project fixes
Write OnCallRemoteProcedure
Fixed idenfier
Update BaseVehicle.cs
Addon fixes
handle params properly
More var writers
Array writing
Merge branch 'master' into de-codegen
Object serialization
"using Sandbox
generics type
Fixed namespacing issues
Write/Read bool
Enum/Entity fixes
more edge cases
Serializer rewrite 4
Writer works
InternalGenerated boilerplate
Fill ReadObject/WriteObject
No need for constructors, type can be worked out
Enum serializer
Color Serialize
Write object type identifier
Only visit assemblies once
Default WantsMouse to true on HUD - stops cursor locking when loading
Cleaning codegen
Removing Unused
Removing Unused
Network Var Send
Long/ULong serialize
Make classes partial where we have to
Replicated vars partial class members
Handle generics
Backing field fix
Properties strip back
Properties CodeGen
Update IProperty.cs
Moved NetworkList so it can be codegenned
using System.Collections.Generic
Check for PropertyAttribute
Mark classes deived from PropertyClient as partial
Fixed empty switches
Removed Unused
Handle Replicated IProperty
Fixed WriteObject not returning after success
WriteObject give better errors if couldn't write object type
Rpc Type Fix
Replicated var fix
Strip unused
Generate static property array per class
GetProperties() becomes Properties
Addon fixes
Remove unused
Remove unused
Throw error if replicated IProperty with setter
Create initializer if IProperty without one
BaseCombatPlayer.Ammo is IProperty
Chat fix
Merge branch 'de-codegen'
Removed map flattening shit
Forgot to commit new map material
Confiscate clatter item if no longer owns clatter (like if they refunded)
Render map grid text using map shader (saves 676 gameobjects/text ui elements on 4k map)
Map is snappier
Map Grid doesn't look like shit
Map shows surrounding sea
Tooltips show faster
Remove unused
Throw error if replicated IProperty with setter
Create initializer if IProperty without one
BaseCombatPlayer.Ammo is IProperty
Strip unused
Generate static property array per class
GetProperties() becomes Properties
Addon fixes
Remove unused
Removed Unused
Handle Replicated IProperty
Fixed WriteObject not returning after success
WriteObject give better errors if couldn't write object type
using System.Collections.Generic
Check for PropertyAttribute
Mark classes deived from PropertyClient as partial
Properties strip back
Properties CodeGen
Update IProperty.cs
Moved NetworkList so it can be codegenned
Handle generics
Backing field fix
Make classes partial where we have to
Replicated vars partial class members
Removing Unused
Network Var Send
Long/ULong serialize
Cleaning codegen
Removing Unused
Default WantsMouse to true on HUD - stops cursor locking when loading
No need for constructors, type can be worked out
Enum serializer
Color Serialize
Write object type identifier
Only visit assemblies once
Writer works
InternalGenerated boilerplate
Fill ReadObject/WriteObject