19,154 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
If a gamemode overrides CustomBindsConfig we'll look for a config file named binds.{configname}.cfg and run and save binds to that.
Gamemodes with overridden binds can have a binds_default.{configname}.cfg to define default key binds
MapBuilder gamemode uses its own config
MapBuilder console commands for switching modes
MapBuilder default binds config
No default clientside post process, PostProcessVolume editable
WriteString fix
Clear the map before loading
Texture JsonConverters
Skylight Cubemap property
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
Can ReadString from Save folder
Map loading
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
FileSystem.WriteString goes in /User Data/ folder
Create directory structure in WriteString
Show actual error when console command fails
Map saving
Send mesh changes to client
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
Don't need FNetBitWriter/FNetBitReader now
Spawndata re-jig
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
No, it's bytes not bits
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
Updated BindingGen (voidptr)
NetSerialize =>WriteSpawnData etc
Send out vertex changes in EditableMesh
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
Fix exception in ActiveEnd
Don't delete entities that aren't editable
Documenting ActiveEnd
Rename ActiveEnd
Set position locally too
Log chat in server console
Stack.cs -> GizmoStack.cs
Added Gizmo.Condition.ActiveEnd
Send updated verts to server after editing
Include ChatBox/Voice on server
How much of the world will be destroyed if I try to make the HUD replicate
Added PropertySheet
PropertyHolder -> PropertyClient
Fixed codegen not generating property shit unless BaseEntity
Create NumberProperty.vue
Primitive Tool properties
Cylinder tool
Cylinder Fixes
Vector3.SnapToGrid optional axees
Added ExtrudedCube GizmoTool
Fix weird offset
CubeTool cleanup
Removing unused
Added Box.Normalize
Added Vector3.Sort
Added Line.Center
Added Line.ClosestPoint( Ray )
Better warning if trying to create a class without a public constructor
Fixed CylinderTool constructor
Primitive Tool cleanup experiment
Throw warning if RpcIdent is 0
Added warnings to AddRpcChild
Fixed ClassInfo not working as deisgned
SelectionTool cleanup
Added ClassLibraryAttribute.ClassUid
BaseTool uses ClassInfo.ClassUid
MaterialTool cleanupish
Hotload chokes with this lambda
Remove BaseTool.UniqueId
EntityTool cleanup
Removed BuilderClient/BuilderRemote
Renamed Moveable to Movable (more popular spelling)
All entities movable by default
Color implicit conversion from string (parses hex)
Chat box on top
Fixed BuilderPlayer.Local
Rpc Target Not Found shows class type/name
Added Crc32
Use crc for tool ident
More useful errors when HudComponent gets an exception when reading a property
Fixed IsOwnedBy logic
Tools are on BuildPlayer, can send/recv rpcs
Trying to find out how I broke replication
Tweaking Rpc Routing internals
RpcClient has IsClient, IsServer
HudComponent - re-throw exceptions
HudComponent RpcClient test
Deathmatch fixes
Renamed RpcEnabled to RpcClient
ServerOwner, ServerAdmin, ServerEditor attributes
Added Rpc global statics
Rpcs are routed through Gamemode (for permission checks)
Use RpcIdent instead of NetworkId
RPC: IsFromAdmin, IsFromOwner, IsFromEditor
RpcWriteIdent, RpcParent
Fixed compile error
State Fix
Moved RPC callers to PlayerState
Supporting stuff for RPC move
Cache state on first seen instead