19,152 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Added editor cheats (free craft, instant craft, unlock all skins)
Simplified dirt shader layer
Workshop previews in editor
Workshop import fixes
Fixed ragdolls floating away from where they were
Steam Inventory cleanup, refactors
Added InspectorEx base
Fixed showing PCGamer on menu
Server queries share the gameserver port
Raw packet sending
Updated RustNative (with linux sqlite fix)
Possible linux/sqlite fix
If booting in mono, switch to stereo mode (hopefully fixes crashes of people with headphones plugged in (unity!))
Fixed player teleport bug/exploit
fixed hat.beenie short name
Fixed steam inventory schema not using the skins to generate
Fixed google analytics spam
fixed manifest building fuckup
HIgh wooden wall is researchable, loot spawns very rarely
Include all bundled prefabs in the manifest (should fix high wall placement)
Somehow managed to introduce a bug while adding one line of code
Just disable Mono mode - because that seems to be the one that's crashing
Disabled audio.speakers (causing crash)
Fixed takedamage_hit going to all players
Fixed signs not destroying
Disable hover over item info preview
Skin picker window closed with escape/tab
Fixed default+black beenies being exactly the same
Item name/descriptions spelling/consistency
Fixed workshop/market buttons not opening
Fixed server browser not refreshing on game startup
Show different message on research table when blueprint in item slot
Fixed player active weapon not always updating for other players
Missing loot table meta file
Fixed player headlook
Fixed item icons getting stuck selected
Fixed selection panel not always showing
Fixed blueprint panel not always showing
Fixed sometimes needing to click on blueprint button twice
Native networking library cleanups