19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Optimizing ambience audi clips for memory/loadtime
Fixed distant terrain blackness
Save prefabs win BuildPrefabs so changes work proper
AssetDatabase.Import when BuildAssetBundles
Allow prefabs to opt out of preprocessing with NoPreProcessing
Fixed player lying down in inventory
Bundle tweaks
Refresh server lists in order to avoid network disconnect
Better EAC disconnect messages
Clean saved user data on server restart
Deployer/Planner NRE
ItemIcon NRE
GetActiveItem NRE
"WorldSetup.Instance is null" stacktrace for Andre
Tweaking stone wall prefab
Fixed wall placement issues
background loading priority
Fixed load cache not always working
Fixed groundwatch weirdness
Throw an exception when asset bundling fails
Disabled warning messages