19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Item Definition unit tests
Moving testtools to the editor folder
SQLite bindings + unit tests
Added sqlite to native libraries
Switch to built in analytics
Terrain parallax in bundled builds
DS Console text is different colour if server is debugmode
DS Console has current map name
Updated community ent
NRE fixes
Updated error urls
Fixed item contents icons not always updating
Fixed more projectile firing performance problems
Tweaked large water catcher blueprint ingredients
Culling some clientside stuff out of serverside
Fixed players not being marked as developers properly
Updated research table panel to sideset confusion
Water bottle - start with some water
Updated shadervariants
Fixed save compatibility issues
Reduced lag in large fightfights
Made arrows/spears easier to pick up
Arrows/Spears no longer block bullets/arrows/spears/meleeattacks
Candlehat/Minerhat use fuel and don't break when they've run out
Watercatcher icons
Item containers can restrict to single item type
Fixed fps.limit being stomped
Water catcher water catching, blueprints, lootspawn
Network proto++
Watercatcher lootpanel UI tweaks
Updated phrases
Inventory menu tweaks
Don't set audio.speaker on enter playmode in editor (cuz 3+ seconds to reset audiosystem)
Don't GC collect on enter playmode stuff in editor (cuz fuck it)
Enter playmode profiling (cuz it's still slow)
Fixed water not loading
Fixed move back to catcher
entity pie menu ordered properly
drinking direct from catcher
Water Catcher loot panel wip
Selected item HUD cleanups
Added selection history editor window
Unified itemicon's smaller icon
Show contents on vessel item icons
ItemDef - maximum draggable amount
Item containers can define the max stack size
Can define item defs to never drop a world model version
Inventory contents contents
Item/container contents flags
Not Player Usable tag on collider objects - to make it so ent only 'usable' from specific point