19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Goosey has been committing to the wrong branch :S
Tweaks menu - timings boilerplate
Huge UI performance increase
Added eraser to map
Map drawing always enabled, pan around with right mouse button
Made console history culling less terrible
Fixed blue shirt collision being scaled by 100x
Fixed metal plate collision being scaled by 0.3x
Fixed hazmat helmet collision being scaled by 10x
Added warnings if skinnedcollider is scaled
ban command also bans ownerid if using family share
status command now shows family share ownerid
status command takes an optional argument (player search filter)
Map NREs
Removed some redundant raycasters
Switch off some raycasters when not being used
Map v1 (just fog of war, no drawing yet)
Fixed phrases fucking up if newline
Added NeedsMouseWheel
Added UIEx (extensions for UI)
Misc performance and profiling
Use only map in beltbar
Follow player until click
Fixed player clothes sometimes rebuilding multiple times after change
Added ItemModContainerRestriction
Only one map can be equipped at the same time
Added ServerRPC Conditional IsActiveItem
Made texture2D.Clear 10x faster, allocates relatively no memory
Map fogofwar saving/loading
del deletes multiple objects
Code lock fixes
Goosey's animal LODs
Allow chatting while spectating
Fixed cached menu not updating disabled status (to main)
Fixed cached menu not updating disabled status
Bad merge in UnityVS.VersionSpecific.dll
Merging perf stuff from map branch
Tweaking quality settings - beutiful is default, fantastic has 4 cascades + higher shadow distance