19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Speedtree buildserver crashes (!)
Handle missing map properly on client
Handle maps without terrain properly
Fixed out of order errors
Implemented Tom's 3 new head meshes
Added map to build settings :x
Spawnhandler doesn't require TerrainGenerator (init'd in Bootstrap)
Components on TerrainMeta adds more components that are probably required
Added non procedural test map (CraggyIsland) (this isn't the one petur is working on, it's a small dev test map)
Horse ragdoll
Stop ragdolls kneeling up on spawn
Loading screen music facility
Fixed tree placeholders
Changed how snapshots are sent (for more reliable loading order)
Added missing SpeedTreeImport script
Sign text is now single line only (Unity hates dynamic content http://goo.gl/ZofrPD)
Missing horse corpse prefab
Speedtree perf lockdown
- Automatically try to set the tree LODs (unification)
- Make sure all Speedtrees are labelled Speedtree
- Disable Smooth LOD transitions (perf test)
- Set Alpha Cutoff properly
- Switch shader to defaults (invert this when we're ready)
- Limit billboard texture size to 1024, disable mipmapping
- Force tree networking global (fixes pop in on some trees)
- Force tree layer to Trees
- Inverted TreeMesh placeholder behaviour
shaderlod now targets only specific shaders
Lowering sign resolution (crash test)
Network proto++
Added horse animal
an eac_hashtool that doesn't do stuff for your own good but then fucks it up and makes it worse
an eac_hashtool that doesn't tell lies
Builder show eac_hashtool errors
Added vince to the devlist
Moving decay.cs out of root
Added GetItemOptions for @helk
Fixed tracers not showing
Symbol progress reporting
Store symbols during build
Disable Unity splash screen
Fixed some errors not getting reported
Fixed freeze in editor when pulling out sleeping bag/sign
Fixed text layout on signs being inconsistent
Fixed player rendering distance
Fixed NRE in ClientRPC
Fixed NRE in BaseNPC.OnAttacked
Fixed NRE in SetParent on server startup
Fixed NRE in EligibleForWounding
Ignore exceptions containing <RI.Hid>
Ignor exceptions containing RectTransform.set_anchorMin
Fixed NRE in SkinnedMeshCollider with eoka
Fixed BeginSample with no EndSample