19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Added explosives/timed explosive charge items
Updated phrases
Can toggle nudity censor in F2 menu
F2 menu settings are now saved properly
Meat is now stackable
Medkits/Pills are stackable
Added missing twig roof skin
Fixed divide by zero
Fixed 0 health on building blocks
Reduced cost/health of all twig blocks
Added roof block
Protocol++ (non dev branch can't see building skin changes anyway)
Removing debugging from PlayerInput now that wakeup bug is fixed
Added F2 options to hide hud/chat/branding
Building blocks start off on the cheaper, more fragile "twig" set (non-balanced)
Removed health regen on building blocks
Placed building blocks start with max health
Upgrading a building block puts it on max health
Fixed cancelling queue'd craft not returning resources
Crafting can no longer take from or give to wearables slots
Items are no longer destroyed if inventory is full - they're dropped into the world
If furnace/campfire is full, will spit out items instead of losing them
Added drop notice
Fixed walking/running stopping when closing inventory menu
Fixed chat box opening again on submit
Chat has scrollable history
Can click on avatars in chat to view steam profile
Fixed too many veritices in canvas error if lots of chatting
Debugging not being able to wake up
Fixed stack splitting dupe bug
Catch & report RPC exceptions nicer
Fixed EAC banned users sometimes not getting kicked properly
Fixed NRE in RandomDynamicPrefab.EnterView
If network exception disconnection, tell server what the exception was
Handle main menu news not loading properly
Fixed blurry menu texture
Fixed UI scaling wrong on 4:3
Fixed some player chat messages just printing "SERVER"
Fixed white line on Steam avatars
Fixed not being able to drag from belt bar or some of loot bar
Put corpse inventory container first (temp hack, so can loot corpse body)
Fixed being able to drag empty icons
Added Pickup notifications
Tweaks menu - sound + input options, fps graph
Fixed String.ToInt not working as designed
Fixed graphics.quality not changing all quality settings
Updated phrases
Removed ConsoleSystem.ConvarChanged
Updated ConvarWater to use new convar callback
Belt bar selection highlight
Scene2Prefab - optionally don't update unchanged scenes
Hide vital warnings if they're not vital
Show main vitals in inventory menu
Fixed all chat being "text"
Fixed background blur in dev scenes
Fixed steamworks error on shutdown
Handle www error when downloading news images
Handle retry connection error when missing server address
Handle ConsoleSystem.Build when passed a null object
Confusing ConsoleSystem.Run refactor
Craft queue info in blueprint list
Right clicking blueprint cancels queue'd craft
Fixed blurry steam avatars
Increased blueprint scrollwheel sensitivity
Added missing references finder util
Fixed a bunch of missing references
Fixed drag icons from belt bar not showing
Fixed belt bar movement on click/drag
Inventory menu selected items get unselected properly
Fixed inventory contents sometimes being all shirts
Optimized inventory network updates when moving +stacking items
Fixed sleeping bag options not showing if locked by timer
Fixed sleeping bag not renaming is name is long/short
Made spawn in sleeping bag spawn in the right sleeping bag
Fixed sometimes respawning where you died
Proper item description translations
Fixed translations breaking newlines
Added Rust.Application.isQuitting
Fixed menu not hiding when creating game in editor
Fixed dialog not swallowing keys
Can escape out of dialogs
Redesigned sleeping bag dialog
Redesigned code lock dialog
Code lock dialog has beeps
Sleeping bag rename dialog selects input area, fills in current value
Fixed leather sleeping bag missing rename dialog
Fixed serverbrowser not working
Fixed RustBuild not always reporting build errors properly