19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Fixed realm error when moving items in the inventory
Save loot contents
Loot regen
Merge fixes
Tweaked server console colours
Fixed Locks not saving proper
Fixed nametag NRE
Fixed NRE in status command
Fixed viewmodel NRE
Fixed NRE in DropItems
Fixed NRE in SendPlayerState
Fixed realm weirdness (caused lock parenting to fail on client + other possible weirdness)
Strip ParticleScaler from server builds
Removed aimcone from bolt rifle
Throw error if Realm not set
Server logs now go into server identity folder
Server logs use windows newlines
Fixed sometimes reverting to real world time
Disabling message recycling (test)
Enable fps.limit for servers
Temp fix for syringe exception
Another swing at GetTriangleTransform fix - hitInfo.triangleIndex doesn't get set properly with SphereCastAll?
Clarified triangle index error
Fixed NRE in corpse dropping
Future proof how RPCs are written/read
Snap player back if they're somewhere they shouldn't be
Fixed wooden walls using brick walls skin
Fixed GetTriangleTransform NRE
Fixed error reporting not always reporting
LootSpawn generation from existing items
Blueprint icon hack
Blueprint learning
Stopped time resetting to current server time
Fixed not being able to pick up dropped items
Added player persistant data
Blueprints restricted to player's unlock list
Network channels
Congestion handler
Ran scenes 2 prefab to fix broken prefabs
Fixed prefabs with missing components
Fixed infinite loop in Tools/Find/Prefab Errors
Fixed campfires starting on after save/load
Fixed dropped items sometimes not being removed
Fixed building block darken health effect
Stability perf tweaks
Stability support eventually fail gracefully if no ground route found
Extra dedicated server stats
Can place supports/pillars on foundation/floor triangle
Can attach floor triangles to each other (like normal floors)
Cleaning up and optimizing stability system
Loading a save pre-warms the stability system
Added DebugServer/DebugClient callbacks if entity is in debug mode
OnFlagsChanged gets called when entity flags change
Fixed torch flicking on for a second when swapped to
Fixed player belt inventory not really sending in snapshots
Include build time in error reports
Fixed active weapon not always updating properly
Send player's belt inventory correctly
No active weapon when sleeping
Fixed clothes not animating in PlayerModel.unity