19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Reverted to previous lidgren version
Fixed startup error in buildingtest
Fixed guns making now shoot effects
Fixed entity disable broken logic
Converted weapon worldmodels to the new ShadowOnly stuff
Limting error reporting to 5 per minute
Fixed NRE when getting pingTime
Fixed deploy guide NRE
Fixed "Ignore collision failed" warnings
Fixed NRE and warnings in new console system
Fixed fog shader on windows
Tweaked entity network rates
Fixed logic error in DamageTypes
Updated builder to use b18
Made the work queue class generic
Fixed stability system huge freezes
Warn if loading an entity takes too long
Attempt to fix "NetException: This message has already been sent!"
Fixed assertion weirdness on server startup
Fixed Lerp not lerping when far away
Better behaviour for disabled entities
When loading a HeldEntity, reset the owner
Bunch of clientside profiling
Switched networking to use times instead of ticks
Added server.fakelag
Added sever.fakeloss
Made lerping more sophisticated
Fixed RemoteLog serialization
Fixed ddraw.boxes all being white
null entity check in SaveAll (something weird is happening)
More low level network message writing
Added server.compression to turn network compression on/off
Added timewarnings to stability system
Added MaxSpawnDistance to effects
Added low quality mode to lerp
Fixed serialization fuckup in StorageBox (fixes capacity)
Made walls face outwards properly by default
Fixed ore texture
Check before adding position update
Fixed server info modal closing
More profiling
Fixed bushes being bulletproof
Changed how entity position/updates are networked for performance
Fixed loading screen not showing connection progress
Fixed "server is closing" error
Server log now shows reason for disconnect
Fixed large woodbox slot count
Fixed ore resource counts
Fixed chick cluck volume
Fixed flesh attack volume
EntityComponents can define menus too
Added basic loot crates to radtown test
Changed ResourceContainer to use EntityMenu instead of OnUse
Added a shitload of props from the asset store that we intend to be placeholder but will probably never get changed
Small radtown scene2prefab
Tweaking event schedule to make sure we don't have multiple running
Switched console to UnityUI
Fixed block health network order weirdness
Throw error if SkinnedMeshCollider has no SkinnedMeshRenderer
Locks now have deployment guides
Fixed hammer highlight not drawing walls properly
Bunch of missing meta files
Fixed crosshair missing sprite
Genericizing deployment guides
Fixed boner in SendEntityUpdate
Don't try to run unconnected player's network queue
More profiling stuff
Converted lock deployment method to new weapon system (can deploy using primary fire again)
Fixed stringpool collision error with RPCs
Fixed tooltip not updating when the options changed
Fixed tooltip getting stuck on screen
Moved camera blur effects to a sub-camera
Fixed active belt icon being 'sticky'
Updated phrases
Added server.save
Calling quit on the server does a final save
Fixed sleeping bag respawn sometimes not offerered when it should be
Console death message show if killed by hunger etc
Fixed backing out of cupboard area exploit