19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Fixed bullet hit effects sometimes not being where you'd think they'd be
Removed/Fixed dedicated server Item.SetParent warning
Tweaked physics timings
Added client.lerp var for debug
Tweaked how Lerp works (now smoother)
Fixed shiny textures
Fixed broken/missing sand texture in TestLevel
Temporarily disabling MatchPlaybackSpeedToMovement because it's spitting out errors and I'm not sure it's the proper way to do it
Attempt to fix MissingMethodException in AnimalAnimation.cs (cc gooseman)
Toned down head swing/bounce effects on melee weapons
Fixed the entire networking system "pissing the bed" when switching weapons
Fixed skinnedmesh collision detection sometimes "fucking up"
Fixed CameraMan rotation being "shit"
Fixed time/date not progressing
Added spawnhandler stuff to report command
Don't show all the building component templates at 0,0,0
Fixed bear skin not having a protection property
Debug spawns and hurts when developer > 1
Animals now spawn hydrated
Upgraded BaseMetabolism.cs to use newlines
Player prioritises network updates to themselves
Increased ore/stone count
Locks now deployable again (quick fix)
Fixed melee attacks sometimes striking twice
Fixed shot arrows spawning at 0,0,0 instead of where they landed
Cleaned GameTrace
Fixed bullets/melee attacks sometimes not hitting when they should
Removed PlayerCollision (unused)
Removed hitbox, hitsphere (unused)
Tweaked DDraw/ConsoleSystem
Fixed gathering (probably)
Fixed PrefabPreProcess disabling every prefab
RustBuilder - always try to retry failed builds
Touched a bunch of prefabs
Fixed bugs with PrefabPreProcess prefabs being removed on level change
Fixed ServerConsole not shutting down cleanly
Merged weaponrefactor into main