19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Phrase, items, Icons updated
Removed debug output
Don't run triggers on clientside entities
Check that baseProtection is valid before trying to use it
TriggerHurt now takes a Damage Type
Fixed animals thinking clientside
Fixed some clothes not having protection properties
Fixed animals not having protection properties
Changed how GameManifest holds ProtectionProperties
Download icons slower (if your internet connection suuucks)
DamageProtection becomes ProtectionProperties
Added ProtectionProperties assets for clothes and buildings
Fixed some clothing not having colliders
Fixed some clothing materials using the wrong shader
Optimized builfing block health networking
Fixed NRE when using shotgun
Fixed player networking queue not actually queuing
Fixed a bunch of warnings
Assert that UpdateNetworkGroup is only called serverside
Cleaned out @zon's debug comments
Reformatted @zon's unformatted code
Fixed snow jackets making you immortal
Added prefabproperties to gamemanifest
Player compound protection values
Fixed bug in ArrayPropertyDrawer
Fixed damage protection being applied twice
Fixed meshcollider damage protection not being applied proper
BuildingBlock derives from CombatEntity
FixedUpdateEvent has fixed tick time (listen server enhancement)
Added a bunch of profiling stuff
Split BaseCombatEntity into shared/server/client
Moved Healt()/MaxHealth() from BaseEntity
BaseResource uses BaseCombatEntity
Tweaked entity network update timings
BuildingBlock network updates when taking damage
BaseCorpse derives from BaseCombatEntity
Renamed some DamageTypes
Fixed animals not bleeding when shot/killed/hit
Gave rabbit a skinnedcollider
Replaced damageAmount
BaseCombatEntity should scale damage properly using its own baseProtection
Added Protection to building block grades
Disabled damage indicator (temporarily)
Fixed not being an admin in editor
AI: try not to target clientside entities in editor
Tagged skins
Fixed bear anim controller error
Added ArrayPropertyDrawer base (for properties inside arrays, lets you get array and index)
Added ArrayIndexIsEnum to show array index as a enum string instead of a number in inspector
Added ArrayIndexIsEnumRanged - as above with min/max
Added BoneInfoComponent (todo)
Cleaned up SkinnedMeshCollision attributes into GameManifest.MeshColliderInfo
Temporarily removed MeshColliderInfo per bone properties
MeshColliderInfo has encompassing DamageProtection
Deployables are now killed when their floor is destroyed
FixedUpdateEvent pushes realm properly
PrefabPreProcess keeps seperate lists of client/server prefabs
PrefabPreProcess creates an instance of prefabs before processing
Added RealmedRemove - A PrefabPreProcess that removes gameobjects/components from itself depending on realm
Fixed furnace and fire materials being too shiny
Fixed NRE in build privliedge
Fixed doors not being demolished properly
Stability system is more stable
Weapons are framerate independant again
Fixed NRE when shooting terrain
Player "use" trace now uses GameTrace - (more accurate)
Fixed building gibs
Improved network update queue with different channels
Cleaner way to turn maincamera off during loading
On listenserver we now create seperate client and server prefabs, instead of using one and trying to simulate networking like a dummy
Fixed a bunch of issues with this branch that didn't show up because of the lack of network gap
Fixed weapon still active after dying on listenserver
fixed NRE spam in BaseAnimal
Fixed/Changed GiveItem (@zon)