19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Codelock - temprary debug info into local chat
Codelock - temprry flashing light when armed
added tools>update>phrases
Updated phrases
Filled in server -> client RPCs
Loaded entities now retain their UIDs
Cleaned entity slot code
Entity slots are now saved properly
CodeLock opens numpad if not previously opened
Simplified network UID distribution (to the extreme)
Code entry dialog
RPC arguments
CodeLock menus
Fixed blueprints sometimes not loading in editor
Cleaned up protobuffer files
Removed a bunch of debug output
KeyLock/CodeLock save their codes properly
Toggle lock based on locked/unlocked
Door open/close working
Cleaned up building prefab names
Removed deployed_door item (now redundant)
BaseEntity flags are now networked properly
Key crafting, locking, unlocking
Fixed battery being craftable
Fixed some errors not logging
Touching MenuBackground + music
building_basic_all source
Handle BaseEntity RPC
Add RPC names to GameManifest
New branch for item system unfuck
Disabling water reflections should now give a much higher performance boost
Updated items from admin site
Made editor not try to initialize EAC, some steam stuff
Added TimeWarnings on shutdown/disconnects
Updated BuildingTest scene/components
Removed client.lerptime (exploit)
Changed how position lerping works (to appear less delayed)
Enabled EAC for linux/osx
Updated UnityEngine.dll with plugins
Touching all the audio files
Updated basic building parts fbx
basic building parts source
Building components tests
Changed skinned collider to reference parts using an int hash based on full prefab path + name (eradicates name collisions)
Increasing client.lerptime default
Fixed being able to build on floor frame
Fixed stairs collision
Fixed not always being able to place doors on upper floors
Increased water temperature
Reduced lung capacity
Reduced stomach capacity
Increased self drying ability
Made water surface visible from underneath again
Dropped items now have real physics, shouldn't fall through walls etc
Fixed held item being removed when trying to drop
Players drop their held item properly when killed
Fixed broken leg on player preview
Player preview doesn't need to use chroma-keying anymore
Show os, branch and build time in branding
Don't update global html vars every frame (perf)
Maybe fixed wakeup bug
Fixed NRE in SpawnFilter when AI has no terrain (test maps)
Ordered arrays in GameManifest to diff better
Prefabs -> Update now rebuilds clothing collisions
Fixed some clothing bones not being registered properly, leading to warnings/errors in console
Error checking to radiation effect
Fixed PlayerEffects not playing (damage etc)
Add event hash to error report to avoid grouping similar errors
Avoid issues by lowercasing created entity names
Forced prefab name generation to lower-case
Removed networked datatables + stringpool
Added GameManifest asset - which holds common strings
Changed HoldType to use an enum instead of strings
No longer need to LoadAll resources on startup (faster startup, less memory)
Limited graphics.fov to between 60 and 80