19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Added Rust.Bundle.Prefabs.FindObjectsOfTypeAll
Try to load active map from bundle
Stripped error reporting (until we can find a less shit solution for raven)
Deleted MenuBackground/Scene
Added new menu_background001 - uses SceneToPrefab
Load menu map from map bundles
Load bundles
Load prefabs from bundle
Create a bundle for each map
Create tier0 bundles
Making some textures compressed
Ifdef'd a bunch of shit that the server doesn't need to be fucking with out of PVT and Amplify Motion
changed autospawn/resources to autospawn/resource
Tweaked volumes of animal sounds
Fixed footsteps being broke
Footstep sounds for Dirt, Forest, Rock, Sand, Tundra, Wood and Snow
Removing debug output from ItemAction_Metabolism
Added FirstPersonEffect - which changes sounds to 2D if we're the source and we're in first person mode
Added muzzle to thompson worldmodel
Fixed weapon items not all having the right effectPrefab set
Dedicated server - always try to load the last save
Generate terrain normal+height to disk, instead of at compile time
Fixed compile error in AtmosphericBlend.cs
Fixed more broken materials
Added "tools/Find Broken Materials"
Fixed tree missing shaders
Changed default render mode to new Deferred (this is gonna be shitty for a while)
Properly fetch the steam inventory
Admin tools men now downloads config and inventory schema
▋▍▄▌ ▊▊▊▋▄▍▄▊ ▄▄▅▍▇ ▇█▍▉█▊▄.
Updated steam dlls to the latest
Added SteamInventory class/object
█▍▌▇▌▌ ▋▆▍▉▅▅▌ ▊▄▇▆ ▊▊▊▉▅
Updated to SteamworksNETVersion 6.0.0
Added building skin transition experiment
Added BuildBlock editing toolbar
Updated building block prefabs with unified layout for editor
Don't log error messages about D3D device lost etc - to prevent console spam hurting framerate
This should fix the sounds not playing.. for good!
Experimenting with Block editor tool
Melee attack uses a sphere trace test (instead of a ray trace)
Send ticks to nearby players using p2p
Halved voice playback delay
Removed debug arrows from projectile attacks
Added wooden spear
Added stone spear
Added salvaged icepick
Added salvaged hammer
Added salvaged axe
Added vis.hud [true|false] - hide/show hud
Added vis.chat [true|false] - hide/show chat
Turning water reflections off also disables edge blend and refraction
Output Coherent Host Dir (debugging osx launch failure)
Changed how the player sleeper list is maintained - should fix/prevent the wakeup bug
Flicking sound assets around, hoping that it will make sounds work again