userGarry Newmancancel

19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!

11 Years Ago
Disable dynamic znear in playermodel scene
11 Years Ago
Restoring deleted weapon files (goosey strikes again)
11 Years Ago
Made torch normal maps normal maps
11 Years Ago
Added tools/Update Clothes Models - sets up avatar, humanoid, no material import, warns on extra bones
11 Years Ago
Cleaning up unused materials
11 Years Ago
Reverted CoherentUI to software only (hardware acceleratred mode is laggy, wants vsync) Re-enabled dynamic znear
11 Years Ago
Fixed burlap shirt again
11 Years Ago
Tweaked HTML zoom Tweaked belt bar
11 Years Ago
reverted burlap_shirt (did the same thing that I did earlier but didn't set the default material to Flesh)
11 Years Ago
re-added collision component to burlap-shirt
11 Years Ago
Fixed ItemAction_Replace not working properly if the container was full
11 Years Ago
Enabled HTML hardware rendering (test) Fixed death intro not working Fixed player_movement leak on death
11 Years Ago
Fixed compile errors
11 Years Ago
Reverted Alex's broken burlap shirt commit
11 Years Ago
Started work on deathscreen Fade into deathscreen (wip) Randomly drop held item when killed Switch to third person when killed, rotate around ragdoll Hide viewmodel when dead Fixed local player ragdoll being crazy fucked up on spawn because of their local collider Tried to fix ragdoll LODS, but I don't think it's working that great - will revisit
11 Years Ago
Fixed dead players not leaving the server when disconnected Fixed player still visible when ragdoll is created
11 Years Ago
Global message "ClientDisconnect" is send to everything when client is disconnecting from server
11 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in BaseCorpse.Save Added BaseEntity.IsValid Fixed NRE in Builder module
11 Years Ago
Ore resource nodes now all give varying levels of stone/metal/sulfur (instead of just one)
11 Years Ago
Don't bob weapon when not on ground
11 Years Ago
Bolt rifle, Thompson, Shotgun, Eoka Pistol, Revolver craftable Added gunpowder blueprint Pistol, rifle and shotgun ammo craftable Added pistol bullet projectile Fixed arrow & rifle killing via "hunger"
11 Years Ago
Fixed F2 menu settings not being applied
11 Years Ago
Fixed player floating up slopes
11 Years Ago
Fixed player not casting shadows
11 Years Ago
Catch SocketException , don't start server
11 Years Ago
Kick users sending invalid packets
11 Years Ago
Fixed deployment guides not changing colour properly
11 Years Ago
Catch NetworkInformationException and open
11 Years Ago
Furnace menu is now ordered Crafting Low Grade Fuel will give you 10x Sulfur Ore is now smeltable
11 Years Ago
Fixed smelted ore not stacking properly Updated metal plate torso icon
11 Years Ago
Free + Instant crafting for admins/editors
11 Years Ago
Fixed "Unpooled Part Name" when attacking animal
11 Years Ago
Fixed UI lag caused by UpdateGlobals Invoke
11 Years Ago
Transform.FindChildRecursive is now case insensitive Fixed wolf ragdoll not copying bones from parent Fixed wolf ragdoll not copying blood effects from parent
11 Years Ago
Fixed wolf corpse being single hit harvest Fixed wolf corpse not being made of Flesh
11 Years Ago
Added client.fov convar Fixed floating above world for a frame when joining the game
11 Years Ago
Stop co-routines when entity is network-destroyed
11 Years Ago
Show which item it couldn't replace in Replace module
11 Years Ago
Missing endsample
11 Years Ago
Reduced the amount of animals until we fix the perf Added ai.tick Added ai.move More profilers
11 Years Ago
Added profiler samplers for AI behaviours
11 Years Ago
Fixed metal_plate_torso not having any meshes
11 Years Ago
Workaround for foilage outline on menu screen
11 Years Ago
Material tweaks Switched off directional fog
11 Years Ago
Fixed torch worldmodel
11 Years Ago
Upgraded project to unity5b2
11 Years Ago
Fixed WaterUpdate NRE's (probably)
11 Years Ago
Client network connection will skip out if too much time has been spent processing packets Fixed water not having reflection/refraction Removed SetIKWeight references Profiling Stuff Fixed FakePhysics running clientside (perf)
11 Years Ago
Disbale error logging in editor (crash, freezing etc) Skinned meshes update their bounds on demand instead of every x seconds Fixed warning in PlayerInventoryAnimation because of missing ikWeight param Disabled Am auto register objects
11 Years Ago
Player spec map (fudged, workable)