19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Undone goosey's meta file changes that wouldn't change anything but actually broke everything
Fixed missing wolf in menu screen
Fixed lock not deploying properly when connected to server
Fixing NRE's in dedicated server (Please review these changes @andererandre)
Items can now override crosshair and use button to show information
Show information and override use when lock is held
Added crosshairs
If context menu has one option, just select it
Show menu option on crosshair if only one option
Show "menu open" on crosshair if multiple options
Show "pickup item" on crosshair if pickup is the only option
Turned Sun Shafts resultions down to medium (fixes orange smear in editor)
Re-enabled horizon clouds (aren't broken)
Fixed error in PlayerWalkMovement on levels without TerrainMeta
Added Burlap shoe + glove items
Crafting tooltip cleanup, shows ingredients
Updated icons from admin site
Fixed building plan switch strings being #phrases
Revamped item categories
Updated crafting UI
Should prevent door stacking
Added lock item
Added item slot system
Added module: DeployToItem
Added module: ItemSlot
Renamed item hook OnCreated to onCreated
Removed item.name (redundant)
Locks are now a seperate deployable item
Fixed prone being on in player models (!)
Ignoring UnityVS.VersionSpecific.dll and meta
Deleting UnityVS.VersionSpecific.dll (it auto re-creates itself)
Added burlap trousers item
Added blueprints for a bunch of items
Added low grade fuel item
Added Icon render scene
Fixed some materials
Renamed basic_torso_LOD0 to burlap_shirt
Added burlap shirt item
Added Skin-Clothing Shader (with alpha testing)
Tweaked player skin
Tweaked basic_torso material
Added RagdollInteritable component
Ragdolls now inherit effects attached to the player's model (blood squirts)
Fixed wolf ragdoll having no mesh
Ironsights now listens to an animation curve called ironsightstrength
Bolt rifle ironsights zoom out after shot
Server performance tweaks
Basic animal animation controller, speed variable
Fixed position being stomped when running Scene2Prefab
Fixed wolf monument missing wolf
Added Conditional -> HasItem
Added Action -> LockUnlock
Added order to context menus
Clicking outside of menu now closes it
Can now lock/unlock door when holding matching Key
Added Bill's door model
Fixed some warnings
Should be able to shoot through doors again
Added Conditional -> CanCraft
Added Conditional -> IsLocked
Added Action -> Craft
Conditionals, Test now get BasePlayer
Renamed Item.lockTime to busyTime to avoid confusions
Can craft key from door (key doesn't do anything yet)
Fixed errors when no spawn handler (dev maps)
Added Tools->Admin-> updates icons/items/phrases from admin site
Updated icons/items/phrases from admin site
Fixed switching clothes not working when loading from save (buildingtest map)
Increased protocol (itemids changed)
Cleaned up stag materials
Removed old LOD models
Re-linked animal avatars
Fur shader, updated stag material
Reverted sun light (too much flickering)
Hammer now swings properly
Building is no longer instant again
Building effects (placeholder)
Sort item list by name in editor
Tweaked sun directional light bias (might lead to flickering again?)
Changed how construction socket strings get pooled
BuildingBlock now derived from WorldItem, can have item associated
Added door (testing, no locking yet)
Prefabbed the other animals
Made animal model sets share an avatar
Changed animal max texture size to 4096
Fixed water not working proper
Lower gun when running, jumping, swimming
Fixed player model appearing to be falling when standing on edge
Should fix unofficial servers showing as official