19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Scene2Prefab: If only one root prefab in scene, make it the root of the prefab
Can place foundations on rocks
Quick script to set the prefabName on all prefab entities
Fixed grass footstep effects not being destroyed
Clear datatable before loading save
Trigger can now convert collider into interesting object
Remove all trigger entries on disable
Fixed not being able to shoot through building window/door
Added developer convar
Should now be able to deploy fire etc on buildings
Fixed constructvision becoming unresponsive when switching away and back
Triggers all have layer masks now
Fixed player not swimming in water
F2 tweak menu osx/linux debug
Save/load string table to disk in saves
Throw error when creating entity with matching ID of existing entity
Entity prefab names use stringtable instead of sending string name
Added AimAtCamera and DrawAimLine to PlayerModel scene
Tweaked Player model lookat IK
Print confirmation when RCon is started
Added dymanic znear
Turn construct vision off when not holding a planner
Hide debug building skin squares
Particle Dictionary - cache prefab names (speed)
Added foundation conditions
Added rigidbody to socket_handle
Made beartrap, furnace, sleepingbag craftable
Added railing component (low wall)
Added end caps to wall, window, door components
Voice recording HUD notification
Fixed voice playback not always working
Wolf corpse now gives animal fat
Simplified conditional models system
Added conditional edges for window, door
Building part skin sets now work
Added 3x3 shack and front corridor walls
World model attachment bone now defined by the weapon itself
Added server.ip variable (to bind server to specific ip)
Updating building test save
Use InvokeAtomic to refresh conditional skins, so it only gets called once instead of once per surrounding skin
Oopsy, the save wasn't loading
Added BuildingTest scene - loads a saved building to test building component changes
Renamed OnHit to OnAttacked
Fixed players being killed after they respawned from attacks they sustained while alive previously
If player isn't alive on disconnect then remove them (don't just sleep)
Don't try to handshake multiple times
Default message initial size 64bytes (up from 16)
Fixed rcon strartup param - proper this time
Disabled tessellation in skin shader
Editor tool to show local player's eye line (for world model aim tweaks)
Fixed boltrifle world model being misaligned
Pickaxe world model
Fixed player thirdperson melee attack not playing
Fixed footsteps being crazy loud
Fixed wall prefab corner models
world models should use r_prop bone by default
conditional models skin system (wip)
Fixed rcon console variables not working
Save userlist properly
Print to server console when an owner/moderator joins
Fixed user/ban list not loading on dedicated server