19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Should see other player's projectiles
Fixed shoot effects being destroyed when changing weapons
Fixed FindBone not always working
Diagnosing network jumpiness
Fixed bolt action attack sound being incredibly loud
Fixed awesome server crash when dropping an item on itself
This should fix EAC kicking family borrowed accounts
OnValidateAuthTicketResponse callback passes owner
Added uint64 Steam_Apps_GetAppOwner()
Fixed holdtype not being networked properly
Fixed stringpool error if string is null
Fixed attached effects position weirdness
Fixed networked effects normal being wrong
Fixed bolt rifle shoot smoke velcocity craziness
Swap item positions by dropping on other items
Clear holdtype if sleeping
When sending effects attached to an entity, use the entity's network group
Added input.sensitivity (mouse sensitivty)
Added input.flipy (flip y axis)
Fixed effects breaking if destroyed first entity spawned
Hit effects now use material type hit
Melee attacks use bullet impact effects (temporary)
Fixed effects sometimes being parented to something random
Pool all Physics material names on server startup
Fixed Bill killing himself
Fixed NRE in UpdateNetworkGroup
Added SceneToPrefab system (see readme for details)
Added collider.GetMaterialAt( pos )
Stop the boar model importing its materials
Fixed particle effects possibly being recycled too soon
Update entity's network group immediately if parent changed
Player ragdolls are now made of flesh
Added ImpactParticles dev scene (for Petur)
Moved Petur's impact particles to Resources/Prefabs/fx/impacts/
Refactoring playerstate/tick
Added spectate mode (for debugging)
Increased protocol
Fixed broken hold type on first spawn
Fixed rock 3rd person animations not playing
Update Child entity network group when parent updates
Menu blur, proper
Update player model in inventory at a lower rate (performance)
Server performance tweaks
Removed debug
Fixed network groups not always being updated properly
I broked TakeDamage
Added warning if UpdateNetworkGroup can't find a parent
SpawnPopulation.Spawn - report warning if trying to create entity that isn't an entity
Moved stag entity out of prefabs folder (not ready, was causing issues)
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Resists are now updated on the UI
Fixed bone lookup fuckups
Added working torch
Bumped up texture res on viewmodels
Fixed MaterialReplacement replacing materials on particles (!)
Fixed being able to shoot campfire heat/damage triggers(!)
Network entities can be parented to each other (wip)
Weapon worldmodels are now network entities
Cleaned up how item worldEntities are handled
Fixed viewmodel going apeshit when looking up/down
Campfire provides heat
Campfire burns if too close
Screen shake on take damage
Hatchet swing, screenshake on hit