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Various effect/bone/string pooling fixes
Fixed long pause on joining singleplayer game
Refactored string pool so it works when not connected to a server
Player animations now predicted properly
Fixed broken player collision
Fixed objects getting removed
Implemented Jog animations
Changed particle stuff to `effects` - now spawns audio too
Added placeholder sounds to generic hit, blood hit, rock swing
Fixed string pooling being insanely broken
Fixed Effects that are attached to bones being broken
These files allow you to run the game in the editor - and still use Steam
Updating project settings
Added library to ignore list
Fixed player model state not being networked
Network grid was stupid on TestLevel
Viewmodel is hidden in 3rd person mode
Worldmodel is hidden in 1st person mode
Attack anim in 3rd person
ModelState is now networked
Attack anims are networked
Switched more classes to the new proto system
Player Model - hold type, and world model
Added GameManager.CreatePrefabInactive
Fixed server NRE when looting
Crafting cancelling
Fixed crafting notification placement
Fixed AA toggle not working
Updated TestLevel with terrain
Fixed sky not being set on sun shafts
Attached fog volume to camera (to render fog)
Chanegd FogVolume so we can access/change fog colour via script
Got rid of horizon white line (will probably present a bunch of other problems)
Should fix players over-thinking while they're asleep
Fixed splitting/stacking not working properly clientside
Added item stacking, splitting, merging
GameSetup can define whether you want to load a save or not
Removed unused effects, moved GUIblur to bottom
Changed linux build options (test)
Resource spawns as part of map load, not 5 seconds after
Added Data Tables
Added Network String Pooling
Effects bone name now uses String Pooling
Fixed Axe not working
This should make swimming proper work
Added objects command
Saves/Loads now use the current map name - not the value of server.level
Visibility Grid IsInside always returns true for group 0
Added server bounds to procedural map
Changed OnDestroy to OnDisable - because OnDestroy seems to rarely get called
Moved all network group and subscription shit into the Facepunch dll
Subscriptions now updated at the same time as network group
Player's snapshot is now sent `full`
Fixed game objects not destroying properly
Added SpawnPoint class
Replaced respawn coroutine - now linear
Fixed player re-spawning twice
Fixed inaccuracies in NetworkVisibilityGrid debug drawing
Moved VisibilityProvider logic to Facepunch dll
Removed INetworkable
Removed MutedConnection logic
Removed NetworkVisibility class
Moving as much Networking stuff as possible out of game code
Fixed console command network encoding being fucked
Revamped effect system to be more user friendly, network properly
Fixed vectors/quaternions not being networked (!)
Removed rigidbody from Water prefab - because it doesn't need it and it might fix server perf