userGarry Newmancancel

391 Commits over 1,979 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
Drop net46 support Update packages
2 Years Ago
Update redistributables
3 Years Ago
These should be static
3 Years Ago
SteamPort isn't used anymore here
3 Years Ago
Create .editorconfig Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks Fix TextFilteringContext not getting exposed Update to Steamworks 152 Update fixes Added SteamUGC.ShowWorkshopEula() Added SteamUGC.GetWorkshopEulaStatus() Added SteamUtils.IsRunningOnSteamDeck Added SteamUtils.SetGameLauncherMode
3 Years Ago
Adjusted uploading progress bar so it doesn't jump back after finishing uploading content. Merge pull request #588 from rtsonneveld/master Adjusted uploading progress bar so it doesn't jump back
3 Years Ago
Update Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.csproj Update Facepunch.Steamworks.Win32.csproj Merge pull request #520 from PhyxionNL/master Fix NuGet package generation
3 Years Ago
Added support for FilterText Updated Generator to be in line with expected generated code Remove uint from InitFilterText call FilterText now returns the filtered string instead of the number of filtered characters Merge pull request #514 from Noek1993/master Added support for FilterText
3 Years Ago
we HATE the garbage collector Merge pull request #558 from bobbahbrown/we-hate-gc Fix GC race condition in sending packets causing crash from steamworks
3 Years Ago
RemoteStoragePublishedFileSubscribed_t, RemoteStoragePublishedFileUnsubscribed_t, ItemInstalled_t callbacks Merge pull request #560 from dozd/master RemoteStoragePublishedFileSubscribed_t and RemoteStoragePublishedFile…
3 Years Ago
Fixed native memory buffers allocated by Helpers.TakeMemory being overshared when more than 4 simultaneous tasks call it Updated Generator to use disposable TakeMemory correctly Merge pull request #592 from juanjp600/helpers-takememory-fix Fixed race condition caused by too many tasks using Helpers.TakeMemory simultaneously
3 Years Ago
Migrated .Net Framework projects to .NET, retargeted projects for netstandard2.1 and/or net6.0 where appropriate, upgraded language level to latest for use with .NET 6 Update Update dotnetcore.yml Update dotnetcore.yml Update dotnetcore.yml Update dotnetcore.yml Remove unused Merge pull request #595 from Crytilis/master Migrated .NET Framework and upgraded projects in anticipation of NET6
3 Years Ago
Fix typo in function documentation Merge pull request #554 from chk1/patch-1 Fix typo in function documentation
3 Years Ago
Fix #523: Make Lobby.SendChatBytes public. Also add a unsafe variant that would require zero copies to a managed array. Merge pull request #524 from HouraiTeahouse/public-lobby-chat Implement #523: Make Lobby.SendChatBytes public.
3 Years Ago
ReadFile -> FileRead Merge pull request #527 from mlajtos/patch-1 ReadFile -> FileRead
3 Years Ago
Override connection's GetHashCode() Merge pull request #541 from morga4/master Override connection's GetHashCode()
3 Years Ago
Fixes typo in README Achievements code example Merge pull request #546 from sicklydove/master Fixes typo in README Achievements code example
3 Years Ago
Expose message size in IsP2PPacketAvailable Merge pull request #548 from sschoener/patch-1 Expose message size in IsP2PPacketAvailable
3 Years Ago
Ugc Editor, on item created callback Merge pull request #494 from kamyker/k9-on-ws-item-created UgcEditor.SubmitAsync, on item created callback
3 Years Ago
Add game managed UGC Items Updated comment Fix Typo Merge pull request #509 from ambid17/feature/game-managed-ugc Add game managed UGC Items
3 Years Ago
SuspendDownloads added to public API Merge pull request #504 from DeKon0650/add-suspend-downloads SuspendDownloads added to public API
3 Years Ago
Fix 'IsLowVoilence' Typo Merge pull request #502 from benbristow/fix-violence-typo Fix 'IsLowVoilence' Typo
4 Years Ago
StartPurchaseAsync: Should now be able to pass in multiple of the same item to purchase multiples
4 Years Ago
Allow caller to specify OverlayToStoreFlags when opening Store Overlay Allow caller to specify OverlayToStoreFlags when opening Store Overlay - fix Merge pull request #476 from stang-tgs/master Allow caller to specify OverlayToStoreFlags when opening Store Overlay
4 Years Ago
Expose OverlayToStoreFlag
4 Years Ago
Add/Remove ws item dependency getting dependencies/children Merge branch 'k3-item-dependency' into k7-addit-prevs Added ugc addtional previews Merge pull request #475 from kamyker/k7-addit-prevs Added ugc addtional previews
4 Years Ago
Expose ItemPreviewType
4 Years Ago
Added clan chat Merge pull request #474 from kamyker/k6-clan-chat Added clan chat
4 Years Ago
Fix race condition with async callresults Merge pull request #472 from MadrMan/master Fix race condition with async callresults
4 Years Ago
Lobby.SendChatString() and OnChatMessage fix Merge pull request #466 from kamyker/k5-lobbymsg Lobby.SendChatString() and OnChatMessage fix
4 Years Ago
Redist for 1.50 Headers 1.50 Generated 1.50 Don't generate types starting with "FnSteam" Manually create SteamNet delegates Replace int64_t with long, int32_t with int Make NetKeyValue partial to support the added functions Removing Removed Re-adding BroadcastUploadStart_t and BroadcastUploadStop_t - because while they're no longer in the sdk, they are documented on the site
4 Years Ago
Steam SDK 1.49 .h Steam SDK 1.49 libraries Delete ISteamTV (seems to be removed from the SDK now) Add missing BroadcastUploadStart_t and BroadcastUploadStop_t callbacks Generate for new SDK Added SteamApps.IsTimedTrial Added SteamFriends.OnOverlayBrowserProtocol Added SteamFriends.RegisterProtocolInOverlayBrowser UnitTest DLL fixes
4 Years Ago
Document SteamClient.IsValid Copied wording from Merge pull request #449 from rhys-vdw/patch-1 Document SteamClient.IsValid
4 Years Ago
typo Merge pull request #445 from kamyker/k1-summmary-typo Summary typo
4 Years Ago
collection item editor Merge pull request #446 from kamyker/k2-collection-item Collection ws item editor
4 Years Ago
Support return UGC metadata in query Add hint about WithMetadata Merge pull request #441 from maxha651/master Support return UGC metadata in query
4 Years Ago
Added a Clan struct. Implemented most primitive clan functions Merge pull request #437 from naomiEve/clans Steam Clans support
4 Years Ago
Added GetScoresForUsersAsync (DownloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers) Merge pull request #434 from kamyker/leaderboards-users-ids Added GetScoresForUsersAsync (DownloadLeaderboardEntriesForUsers)
4 Years Ago
Fixed Item.GetAsync() not disposed brace fix fix for count == 0 Merge pull request #435 from kamyker/getasync-disposed Item.GetAsync ResultPage disposed
4 Years Ago
Last parameter for DownloadLeaderboardEntries is index inclusive Merge pull request #431 from kamyker/leaderboards-count DownloadLeaderboardEntries count more precise
4 Years Ago
Ability to disable default stats loading to speed up ugc query Merge pull request #432 from kamyker/faster-ugc-query Ability to disable default stats loading to speed up ugc query
4 Years Ago
Ugc item key value tags (cherry picked from commit a5386b358fec87911d2c4cd221d53b90f470bcf4) comma Removing/replacing ugc KeyValueTags Merge pull request #423 from kamyker/key-value-tags Ugc item key value tags
4 Years Ago
Add interface method for CreateRelayServer Merge pull request #418 from brian9206/master Interface approach for CreateRelaySocket
4 Years Ago
Update Wrong properties in "Get Avatars" Merge pull request #419 from Dimma/patch-1 Update
4 Years Ago
Throw exception if ContentFolder doesn't exist or is empty Update OnGameWebCallback docs Don't use ThreadStatic in Helpers Added IntPtr version of DecompressVoice
4 Years Ago
Compile fix ISteamUGC.RequestUGCDetails is deprecated
4 Years Ago
Make Helper calls threadsafe Use Helper.TakeMemory instead of TakeBuffer where safe
4 Years Ago
Install OnSteamNetAuthenticationStatus listener, expose SteamServer.SteamId Merge pull request #391 from KingofBeast/master Add OnSteamNetAuthenticationStatus and SteamServer.SteamId
4 Years Ago
FileVersion Making SteamMatchmakingServers internal since it's not used
4 Years Ago
Update Facepunch.Steamworks.targets