userGarry Newmancancel

391 Commits over 1,979 Days - 0.01cph!

5 Years Ago
Fallback to FindOrCreateUserInterface if CreateInterface returns null
5 Years Ago
Test warning fixes Use CreateInterface instead of FindOrCreateUserInterface
5 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in OnAchievementIconFetched Cleaning up inventory deserialize
5 Years Ago
Added Async to some async calls Don't release inventoryg result in InventoryUpdated callback
5 Years Ago
FindDefinition return null if _defMap is null
5 Years Ago
Cancel async waits if steam becomes invalid during wait
5 Years Ago
Comment fix Fixed server not setting appid properly Fixed UGC User Queries
5 Years Ago
Clear interfaces and dangling pointers on steam shutdown
5 Years Ago
SteamTypes implement IComparable Squeeze all the UGC Queries into one struct
5 Years Ago
Update InventoryTest.cs Shutdown ISteamMatchmakingServers properly
5 Years Ago
Types now impl,ement IEquatable InventoryItem IEquatable Fixed OnActiveBeaconsUpdated not getting called Update Base.cs Added Ugc.Item.Edit()
5 Years Ago
Added Steamworks.ServerList.IpList for querying an array of Ips
5 Years Ago
nGameLobbyJoinRequested now passes a lobby object
5 Years Ago
ISteamGameServerStats SteamServerStats
5 Years Ago
SteamServer.Update becomes RunCallbacks, has OnCallbackException Changed TransferItemQuantity to Add Equality compare InventoryItem (probably need to do this to every struct)
5 Years Ago
SteamUserStats - direct Get/Setters SteamUserStats.ResetAll SteamUser.DecompressVoice with byte SteamInventory.GrantPromoItemsAsync SteamInventory.TriggerItemDropAsync SteamInventory.AddPromoItemAsync
5 Years Ago
FetchItem to QueryFileAsync OnAchievementProgress returns a Achievement instead of a string Added Server.Tags Added Stat.Add OnInventoryUpdated passes the InventoryResult
5 Years Ago
Added Steamworks.Ugc.FileQuery Added SteamUGC.FetchItem Added QuerySpecificFile test Added IsPack4OnWindows to codegen struct Test fixes Use pack8 structs for windows where appropriate
5 Years Ago
InventoryDef.IsGenerator InventoryDef properties cache Added CraftItemAsync with Amounts
5 Years Ago
SteamInventory.Items (because it's nice and noob friendly)
5 Years Ago
Added RequestEncryptedAppTicketAsync
5 Years Ago
Can define Ip in NetAddress Regions in SteamNetworkingSockets Added "Connecting" bool to ConnectionInterface NormalEndtoEnd test, fixed lockups
5 Years Ago
Fixed some SteamInventory methods not being public Added Async to some async method names
5 Years Ago
Made SteamInventory.FindDefinition public Rename Ugc.Item.PreviewImageUrl Steamworks.Ugc.Item.GetAsync UgcEditor.WithPreviewFile SteamParamStringArray Ugc.Editor.WithTag Ugc.Editor visibility Added UgcEditor.WithChangeLog
5 Years Ago
InventoryRecipe Added ServerInfo.QueryRulesAsync
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Tons of extra UGCItem fields Cleaning up
5 Years Ago
Adding SteamFriends.RequestUserInformation Added Steamworks.Realm Added Ugc.Item.Directory Delete SteamServerInventory.cs
5 Years Ago
Added NetConnection.DetailedStatus SteamNetworkingMicroseconds => long Struct name consistency Network Enum cleanup
5 Years Ago
Force ppOutMessages to IntPtr NetworkIdentity ToString NetMsg with Release ConnectionInterface MessageReading Message send/recv tests
5 Years Ago
Added ReadVoiceDataBytes
5 Years Ago
Network struct packing fixes SteamNetworkingConnectionState => ConnectionState Added SteamClient.OnCallbackException Connection SendMessage ConnectionInfo.SteamId added ConnectionState.cs SocketInterface/ConnectionInterface Added SendType Creating a Socket/Connection means you need to create an interface Updated Socket Tests Adding Receive (it's crashing because it needs to be an array of intptr)
5 Years Ago
SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t callback Struct cleanups and testing ConnectionInfo
5 Years Ago
ISteamNetworkingSockets generating SteamNetworking boilerplate Connection basics
5 Years Ago
ISteamNetworkingUtils SteamNetworking enum/structs Update how interfaces are initialized so we can initialize userless NetworkingUtils (Ping stuff) SteamNetworkUtil global config basics
5 Years Ago
ISteamParties Added missing structs 95% bound SteamParties, even though I am doubting its usefulness
5 Years Ago
OnLobbyMemberLeft becomes OnLobbyMemberLeave
5 Years Ago
ISteamMatchmaking LobbyQuery, Lobby Joining, Lobby Creating Lobby Events Chat test
5 Years Ago
Added Friend.RequestInfoAsync GetImage returns null on -1 Fixed GetPlayedWith GetPlayedWith test RequestInfo on each user first Compile fix Round off some edges with ItemDefinitions
5 Years Ago
Added Achivement.GetIconAsync() (waits for load if not loaded)
5 Years Ago
Safeguards and tests regarding #248 in GetScoresAroundUserAsync
5 Years Ago
SteamNetworking SteamNetworkingTest
5 Years Ago
Fixed not parsing function names containing numbers Parse/Generate ISteamNetworking
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Dropped net35 supoport 64bit only Steamworks 144 Fixes, Codegen Fixed early outing with enum for no reason Fixed RetrieveConnectionDetails char* type ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage new modal param Parse newer style STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN to Remove steam_api.dll Update steam_api64.dll Unit test dlls Don't need steam_api.dll in tests Throw warning if trying to use in 32bit process Don't bother copying steam_api.dll SteamClient018 Throw error if interface_pointer is null Codegen Marshal bool properly Steam controller input fixes Parse from source (it's more reliable) Start fumbling the actual vtable instead of the flat functions Easymode/Singleton redux Filling Test fix Better vector marshalling More functions Interface string ISteamUtils generation SteamApiCallback Callback structs implement Steamworks.ISteamCallback Use new structs properly Parse and use STEAM_CALL_RESULT to pass result type back Added Utils.GetResult( call ) (generic) Apps.GetFileDetails propert async working example Test updates Exception on 32bit Internal interfaces do the await callback automatically FileDetails SHA1 ISteamApps Methods Complete SteamApiCallback to result Struct callback cleanup Update Utils.cs SteamApps events GetImageRGBA Utils complete UtilsTest.cs nullsafe invokes Remove old app Parental settings Refactor Music Video Refactor Steamworks.User functions User events User Test Removed Voice class (is all in User now) ISteamMatchmakingServers Parser ServerList ISteamFriends interface Fixed IsReturnedWeird ordering ServerList timeout option Fixed parse error Pass ** as ref Friends base Overlays Async avatars RichPresence Friends Swap GameServer baseline Test fixes BeginAuthSession test Remove unused Auth Real world use part 1 Big clean Cleaning up publics Cleaning Fixes Renaiming top tier to Steam* Moved Name, SteamId to SteamClient Steamworks.Data Epoch ServerList namespace DepotId into Data BaseSteamInterface open interfaces as server if no client Utility cleanup BaseSteamInterface becomes SteamInterface Generated structs into Data Constants, Types to data CodeWriter remove unused Fixed struct packing regression Added SteamScreenshots Deduplicate function names ISteamUserStats interface UserStats (known bug in GlobalUnlockedPercentage) Achievement.Name/Description Parser fixes GlobalUnlockedPercentage to GlobalUnlocked PlayerCountAsync Update Update Create FriendsTest.cs GetFileDetailsAsync tweak Stats callbacks Create/Get leaderboard Leaderboard.GetGlobalEntriesAsync Leaderboard, more entries and submit scores AttachUgc Stats Nice name deduplucate Delegate name refactor Overloaded function vtable order ISteamUGC Basic Ugc Querying Query tags Ugc Queries <LangVersion> Renamed Ugc.Details to Ugc.Result AppId_t => AppId UgcEditor UgcEditor ContentFolder Progress - will do for now Ugc.Item change Merge branch 'steamworks144' of Facepunch.Steamworks into steamworks144 ISteamRemoteStorage codegen Parsing fixes SteamRemoteStorage Comment fixes Igmore more STEAM_OUT_BUFFER_COUNT etc ISteamInventory interface SteamInventory Create InventoryTest.cs InstalledDepots, AppInstallDir appd param default to current app Test using Rust instead of Gmod (uses more features) Stats fixes Item Prices LocalPriceFormatted GetDefinitions Expose ItemId, DefId types GetItems, InventoryResult etc InventoryResult.Serialize Inventory item def Consume, Split, Transfer GenerateItem CraftItem DeserializeAsync Clear pointers on shutdown Api Generate global funcs Try to dynamically determine the OS MacOs loading Special path for Windows call convention when returning a SteamId Usaboility tweaks GetGlobals are in bytes, not array size Request the stats on startup, harmless enough but useful Changd SteamClient.Update to SteamClient.RunCallbacks Unregister events Overloaded functions swap locations only on windows Update We can treat mac and linux as the same os Event cleanup CheckFileSignature => CheckFileSignatureAsync Merge branch 'steamworks144' of Facepunch.Steamworks into steamworks144 Struct is the pack4 version Structs with a CSteamID don't need the pack8 alternative IL2CPP works again ISteamCallback was a nice idea but IL2CPP support makes it unfeasible UnityPlugin base Artifact test Copy using xcopy just do a normal copy Update Jenkinsfile Update Jenkinsfile Update Jenkinsfile Update Jenkinsfile Merge branch 'steamworks144'
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Update Jenkinsfile
5 Years Ago
Update Jenkinsfile
5 Years Ago
Update Jenkinsfile
5 Years Ago
Update Jenkinsfile