userGarry Newmancancel

42 Commits over 120 Days - 0.01cph!

15 Days Ago
Fix build Item shape/size tweaks Placed tripmine does more damage, laser is less visible
59 Days Ago
Cleanup mp5 grenade Make scorch work everywhere
59 Days Ago
Remove walker log Fix missing hud component Add SSAO Tripmine placement ghost Switch to use texture icons
2 Months Ago
Add sbdm.maxdecals Throw assert if calling GetAmmoCount with null AmmoResource
2 Months Ago
Aa some movement tests to quickscene Tweak player movement
2 Months Ago
Give gluon with giveall Tripmine clip contents starts as 1
2 Months Ago
Add maplist convar, use it to select the next map
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Use Preferences.FieldOfView (fixes sbox-deathmatch/issues/44) Halve explosion screen shake Add kill command Add giveall command Add map command
3 Months Ago
Less recoil Update gauss_impact.prefab
3 Months Ago
Add sbdm.cheatmode, don't start with all weapons
3 Months Ago
Tweak player controller acceleration
3 Months Ago
Switch game on end Hide warmup if GameConfig.GameLoop is false Add spawncam to quicktest
3 Months Ago
Allow turning off the gameloop with sbdm.gameloop 0
3 Months Ago
Tweak gauss impact Game loop
3 Months Ago
Fix NRE in PlayerDamageIndicators when no attacker Gauss impact effect
3 Months Ago
Tweak glock and mp5 recoil effects
3 Months Ago
Halve explosion shake duration Add CameraSetup component to control camera effects better Apply env shake using ICameraSetup, so we still shake even if we don't have a player Place viewmodel using ICameraSetup, applies camera shake to viewmodel Move camera shake effects to a GameSystem
3 Months Ago
Add EnvShake component, add it to explosion and rpg projectile
3 Months Ago
Add WithAimCone extensions Add radius to glock, python, mp5 weapons
3 Months Ago
Lets use a light for the rpg laser pointer Add TemporaryEffect.CreateOrphans Sex up the rpg projectile
3 Months Ago
Tweak gauss tracer, aimcone, give weapon icon
3 Months Ago
Add GameConfig Add BaseCarryable.SwitchAway() Satchel fixup
3 Months Ago
Fix exception when changing weapons
3 Months Ago
Tripmine placing cleanup Fix tripmine damaging you whetever you stand Broadcast tripmine explosion Fix tripmine not activating if its laser didn't hit anything, clean up Fix tripmine being triggered on spawn
3 Months Ago
Run by default, shift is walk
3 Months Ago
Tweak tripmine laser, colors
3 Months Ago
Start with empty feed Move AddHitMarker to HitMarker.CreateFromTrace Inventory uses BaseCarryable instead of BaseWeapon Crowbar derives from BaseCarryable Put crowbar sounds next to crowbar Clean up player spray
3 Months Ago
Give all the weapons Switch to the pistol when spawning, instead of having empty hands
3 Months Ago
Use built in controller
4 Months Ago
Latest playercontroller Update player animator with better skidding
4 Months Ago
Automatic upgrades
4 Months Ago
Sounds kill feed Pickup UI
4 Months Ago
Weapon pickups
4 Months Ago
Update kills/deaths on kill/death Hit markers
4 Months Ago
Scores, update scoreboard Death message prep
4 Months Ago
Refactor, add coffins
4 Months Ago
Ammo/reloading Fix player not dying when health is 0 Fix player respawning hundreds of times PlayerController creates colliders on a child object, can have set collision tags Flesh impacts Update player.prefab Add TraceAttack, ignore playercontroller colliders, use hitboxes Update ViewModel position in PreRender
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Update player controller animation Add surface impact resource extension Use surface impacts
5 Months Ago
Per weapon crosshairs
5 Months Ago
Initial commit Baseline from walker Rename Fix cloud references