351 Commits over 517 Days - 0.03cph!
Create sound.stress.scene
Fix water shader scene name
add shader_lighting test scene
shader SSR test scene
GTAO is in engine now
Update ssao.scene
Fix up GroundTruthAmbientOcclusion
Create ssao.scene
Delete fluid simulation, this isn't going to work
Remove PlayerController
Dresser scene + component
Update PlayerController
Create particle.text.scene
All of these are in engine now
Add tests for DebugOverlay
PhysicsCharacter becomes BodyController
Gibbing cleanup
Eyes rotate with platforms https://files.facepunch.com/7b4e58ef-cc50-4e2d-b7ef-8f8a8cd2161d.mp4
Use SceneMeta instead of Name/Description
Third person camera clipping
Use the same collision rules when tracing
Better handling when third person camera is too close
Don't position camera in editor
Switch the rest of the test scenes to use new player controller
IKReachOut ignore player body
PlayerGrabber ignore player body
Try to auto assign player body renderer
No collision sounds on player body
Add button to automagically create the player body
Ensure PhysicsCharacter is axis aligned on startup, but rotate body/eyes
Update a bunch of scenes to use the Physics Character
Add quick start input, animator and camera controller to PhysicsCharacterController
Should fix being ungrounded when something above head
Move StepHeight and GroundAngle to the WalkMode
Swim mode holds waterlevel etc
Put all the climbing stuff in LadderMode
Fix NRE in LatticeDeform
Rename to PhysicsCharacter
Move modes are components
MoveMode controls adding velocity to controller
Clean up step, fixed bugs
Fix becoming ungrounded when standing close to a slanted surface
Fix ungrounding when ducking under something
Enable CollisionUpdateEventsEnabled on PhysicalCharacterController Body
Cleanup DebugDrawSystem
Add ballpit
PhysicalCharacterController : Auto create all components, auto hide them
Tweak pressure/gib calcs
Conveyor hack
Reduce velocity when stepping down, to avoid gravity turning us into a rocket
Push, Crush, Platform demos
Change mass center when not grounded
Add skidding
Can jump out of water
Ladder climbing
This conveyor isn't perfect, we're exploring
Jump clamping
DebugDraw text
Explode the player on high pressure
Use new physics callbacks
Don't run stepper unless we're walking
Snap velocity to travel direction
Disable collision sounds
Make player feet super frictiony
Add .sbox to ignore
Update scenes
Physical character controller tests https://files.facepunch.com/424f0b37-e705-4802-87cb-f51c3bab46e6.mp4
Movie overlay test (make sure scss works in libraries)
Fix moviemaker to use the paths