userGarry Newmancancel

4,470 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.14cph!

3 Months Ago
Agent cleanup
3 Months Ago
PathSimple unit test Cleanup Agents
3 Months Ago
Add GetPathSimple
3 Months Ago
Add GetClosestEdge
3 Months Ago
Cache off the triangles on generate RandomPoint, CloestPoint
3 Months Ago
Fix live unit tests unit test allow native debug Add BBox.Grow Add Triangle.ToString PhysicsWorld.GetPolySoup Use recast from c# without navlib
3 Months Ago
recast update latest Update compat with recast Add detour
3 Months Ago
Basic prefab unit test
3 Months Ago
Fix gradient fog not showing in the editor Fix SceneFogVolume not updating because ID is 0 Update CubemapFog.cs
3 Months Ago
IRenderOverlay should have never existed
3 Months Ago
When a component isn't found, create a MissingComponent. When saving, save the original data so that missing a component isn't destructive.
3 Months Ago
Add Prop.IsStatic Add boit icon to switch between actions and properties in component sheet Add game/core/shadercache/vulkan/shaders.cache to git ignore
3 Months Ago
Fix built in modeldoc game nodes not loading
3 Months Ago
Delete ExampleEditorTool.cs
3 Months Ago
Fix orbit camera stomping everything
3 Months Ago
Remove caching on ToTitleCase (causes more harm than good) In CloudAssetDirectory, cache off the database instead of accessing every time Faster, less accurate Asset.IsCompiled() (but still does what we want it for)
3 Months Ago
Can put evaluations in float inputs
3 Months Ago
Fix bitvec startup assert Temporary fix for RenderSceneToPixmap
3 Months Ago
Dragging a model into the scene will spawn a prop if applicable
3 Months Ago
Serialize and Deserialize GameObjects as objects
3 Months Ago
Swap asset browser button order to annoy everyone
3 Months Ago
Fix SceneView not using scene maincamera settings
3 Months Ago
Fix SceneView mouse input
3 Months Ago
Make Widget.ConstrainToScreen more reliable
3 Months Ago
Move ModelEditor.Nodes to game Add Prop component to engine (health, breakable, gibs)
3 Months Ago
Scene.OnEdited, OnSaved don't need to be exposed Add SceneLoadOptions
3 Months Ago
Add GameObjectFlags.NotNetworked
3 Months Ago
Model.LoadAsync and Material.LoadAsync should kind of be async
3 Months Ago
Add Material.Flags (IsSky, IsDecal, IsTransparent, IsAlphaTest) Changed how material thumbs render
3 Months Ago
Catch EditorTool update errors instead of breaking the whole editor Add Angles.SnapToGrid Add Gizmo.GetMouseDrag Add Gizmo.Snap( angles ), CameraTransform, LocalCameraTransform Just ignore when trying to set nan position Add Gizmo.Settings.SnapToAngles Gizmo.Controls.Rotate outputs Angle delta, RotateSingle outputs only a float angle delta Add rotation snapping
3 Months Ago
Fix download errors
3 Months Ago
Put SpeakerVolume in Sandbox namespace
3 Months Ago
Use new Asset url schema
3 Months Ago
Rename AssetView to AssetPreview Rename internal AssetPreview to AssetThumbnail Delete broken legacy particles New unified asset preview/thumbnail/video system (cleanup) Size in OnPreRender isn't optional Add Pixmap.GetPixel Texture preview Add Texture.GetSequenceFrameCount, HasAnimatedSequences Asset thumbnail render is async NativeRenderingWidget events Allow preview to tell the renderer whether it's animated (opt out of video) AssetPreview can be pixmap based Consolidate Paint.Target to Paint.ToPixmap, scoped Fix crash when accessing sound samples Add timeout to thumbnail rendering Add timeout when loading SoundFile Fix warnings Draw a line if we can't get sound samples AssetPreviewWidget async wait nicely Size renderWidget properly
3 Months Ago
Can publish textures
3 Months Ago
Fix QPainter was null when calling setPen errors CompileProgress tests (doesn't work) Fix asset browser file type size Fix NRE in GenericControlWidget Add BaseLayout.AddLayout<T> Add ControlSheet.AddProperty SerializedCollection elements return attributes of parent SoundFileCollection doesn't use PropertySheet
3 Months Ago
Add EditorUtility.OpenPropertySheet Set qt darkmode=2 so windows will follow system theme (I think) Add ControlObjectWidget Add [KeyProperty] Add KeyProperty to TextureSequence.Source ControlWidget will create an editor for unknown types (this will likely need locking down)
3 Months Ago
Add [ImageAssetPath] fix SerializedCollection NRE Fix MemberDescription.HasAttribute not finding base attributes Convert TextureEditor to use Sequences SequenceControlWidget has popup instead of doing it all horribly inline Fix SerializedObject changes not propagating upwards ResourceStringControlWidget cleanup Use new Sequences json for amalgamated texture Expose some sheet access on texture Simplify amalgamatedtexture packing, less likely to infinite loop, loads from json Add TextureFile sequence `IsLooping ` Can use particle SequenceTime easier Remove parse_mks.cpp Delete mks importers (everything should use our way now)
3 Months Ago
GameObjects only save their own tags - not inherited tags!
3 Months Ago
Add group support into ControlSheet TextureCompileSettings uses ControlSheet Fix warning when dragging model into scene Add EditorUtility.LoadBitmap Don't store flipbook shit on the image
3 Months Ago
HideInEditor becomes Hide Component.Destroy should always work in the editor Hide components with ComponentFlags.Hidden, re-use ComponentSheet if possible When calling a CallbackBatch, create a new CallbackBatch to catch callbacks inside Init SkinnedModelRenderer to bind pose in editor Set so transform on model create Serialize component references as an object (for future usage) Fix NRE when copying component to clipboard Move BodyGroups, MaterialGroup control widgets out of engine until they don't look like shit Add ShowIf to Model.BodyGroups + MaterialGroup ComponentSheet obeys + watches ShowIf Fix component sheet not having 4px space before groups Update default QComboBox colors
3 Months Ago
Fix not finding primary connection when not p2p Add Networking.HostConnection
3 Months Ago
Add Networking.Connections (list of connections)
3 Months Ago
Add Networking.IsHost Assert that the connection isn't host when calling OnJoined during handshake
3 Months Ago
Cancel loading button leaves the game (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4523)
3 Months Ago
Add Rigidbody.ApplyTorque (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4544)
3 Months Ago
Set the light transform on creation
3 Months Ago
Simplify particle mode selection - with most likely presets
3 Months Ago
Make mode change button less obtrusive on ParticleFloatControlWidget
3 Months Ago
Draw indicator lines through range