5,150 Commits over 1,583 Days - 0.14cph!
Throw exception if trying to Material.Load on render thread
Round measure text up to int
StyleSelector HasClasses speedup
Skip transitions on screen size change
Fixed text not invalidating layout when changing size
Cursor ew-resize, ns-resize
Throw an exception if parenting a panel to itself
Add template slot system
Dirty the layout when text changes
YogaWrapper, don't set variables that aren't changed
TextBlock optimized emptry string behaviour
Add DebugName to BaseDataSource
Don't update binds every frame
Don't update binds if panel not visible
Only update yoga when styles change
Update performance stats
Cache layout rect, margin, padding
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added UI.DataSource.Property
Added UISystem.Simulate
Performance layouts
Add Client.IsListenServerHost
Splitting test solution
Update test packages
Panel performance tests
Update children indexes on prelayout, instead of every time a child is added/removed
HashSet for children
Library.GetAttribute( type ) use concurrentdictionary instead of linq, lock
Fix EngineFileSystem shutdown exceptions
FgdWriter don't put base class name
Glow Property color is a vector instead of a color
ObjectProperty doesn't go crazy if property isn't gettable
Reflection.GetProperties returns actual properties
LogEvent fields to properties
Throw error message popup if menu doesn't compile on boot
Add System.ComponentModel.Primitives for addons
Decorate some properties for inspector
Added IValid interface
More property tagging
LogEvent use StackTrace editor
RenderAlpha and RenderColorAndAlpha are obsolete, RenderColor is a Color instead of a Color32
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Engine EntityRegistry, tweaks to make adding/removing ents to/from lists reliable
Addon accessor
ToYoga optimization
Entity Registry as list
IEntity for cross realm entity interaction
Lets not print all this shit when we do ent_bbox
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed plane trace backwards logic (and added tests)
Fixed WorldPanel being backwards
Can turn prediction off for an entity using Entity.Predictable = false
Fixed still being able to ConsoleSytem.Run( "quit" )
Fixed shaders not writing to alpha if S_ALPHA_TEST
ModelEntity.SetMaterialGroup can take a string
Load assets before menu init
Save cookies on exit
Menu Convars are saved and loaded properly
Setting Menu Convars via property updates native backing, saves
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added AnimSceneObject.SetBodyGroup
Asset fgd's can be automatically generated
Add BitFlags Attribute Editor
Keep bitflag menu open after changing a value
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add AnimSceneObject,SetMaterialGroup
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix startup assert
Don't change SceneObject's m_nID when parenting - this prevents a crash due to hanging pointer in m_objectList
SceneObject delete uses DeleteSceneObjectAtFrameEnd
UI.Scene becomes UI.ScenePanel
Don't let exceptions in Panel.DrawContent take down the whole UI
Add SceneObject.Rotation, SceneObject.Position
Add INode.GetAttribute<T>()
ScenePanel.Position/Angles becomes ScenePanel.CameraPosition/Rotation
Fix point light falloff being fucked
Light SceneObjects use SceneObject transform instead of own Ang/Pos
AnimSceneObject.Update takes a delta instead of absolute time
Fixed ConVar.ClientData returning string
Add a couple more decimal places to Color json encoding
Fixed scss variables with variables
Codegen - warn if we want a class to be partial
Move decal class to addons
Fixed WorldEntity not being able to be sent in rpc
When precaching, make available via Resources too
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Tweaked how Global.TickRate is read and reported by the engine (and tested it all this time)
Don't allow prediction if entity is using physics movement
Added entity.Tags.List (returns list of tags)
Global.TimeScale and Global.TickRate are editable
Fix spritemodel crash
Add Trace.Ray that accepts a Ray
Don't send VR controllers as tracked objects
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Moved label to addon
Add Rect.AddPoint
Added Rect.IsInside( Vector2 pos )
Added Panel.PanelPositionToScreenPosition
Added IEnumerable<Panel> Panel.FindInRect( Rect box, bool fullyInside )
Added Panel ondragselect event
Added internal label Selectable
Added panel.IsInside( Rect rect, bool fullyInside )
Added Panel.AllowChildSelection
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Delete PanelInput
rename Input in BuildInput to inputBuilder so people are less likely to use the global Input
Don't show cursors if panel requesting is a world panel
Remove debug in RunEvent
WorldInput.Update - need to think this over though
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Tweaked how RootPanel's layout rect is calculated to be compatible with negative vars etc
Don't clip root panel
PanelSceneObject set WorldMat so it uses the right coord system, is scaled down to world units
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added Input.Vr.TrackedObjects
Remove ClientPutInServerOverride muck
Add Client.IsUsingVr
Input.VR.IsActive is available during ClientJoined
Fix possible crash in CQAnimGraphPropertyEditor::GetIKChainChoiceList
Fix crash when addon deleted sbox-issues/issues/467
Remove ConsoleResult
Restrict SendCommandToClient
Allow ConsoleSystem.Run to send missing commands to the server
Restrict which console commands can be run
Fixed issues with Line struct
Merge branch 'master' of sbox