userGarry Newmancancel

3,112 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.10cph!

6 Months Ago
Add Material.GetTexture( name ) (gets the texture by shader variable name)
7 Months Ago
Fix TypeDescription.Init exceptions Remove unused on ManagedTools Send an "game.loaded" event to tools when the game has loaded
7 Months Ago
Cleanup Change SceneCamera.VolumetricFog to a property Update VolumetricFog automatically, before render Remove GetMainCameraVolumetricFog (unused)
7 Months Ago
Fixed missing asset type icons
7 Months Ago
Scale WebWidget by dpi scale
7 Months Ago
Remove now obsolete tests
7 Months Ago
TypeLibrary stores and reuses TypeDescriptions and MemberDescriptions when swapping assemblies.
7 Months Ago
Highlight asset list folder when selected Fix baseitemwidget drag hover and drag drop logic being backwards
7 Months Ago
Don't try to make Application.CursorPosition fractional (fixes not being able to click on stuff on another monitor) Add Application.CursorDelta to make having a smooth cursor delta easier with a highdpi monitor Use CursorDelta in SceneEditor first person camera
7 Months Ago
Fix error when dragging asset into its own folder
7 Months Ago
Gizmo Sprite shader Customised gizmo line shader
7 Months Ago
Don't try to set property in PropertyDescription if it doesn't have a setter
7 Months Ago
Maybe this will fix the matrix menu
7 Months Ago
Add CloudAsset.Install
7 Months Ago
GameResources can load private properties marked with [JsonInclude] Add GameResource.GetReferencedPackages()
7 Months Ago
When saving a GameResource, also save a list of packages that were referenced FixResourceNames is unsued
7 Months Ago
Trace startpos fix Fix capsule trace StartPos
7 Months Ago
Can get physics hull edges (for debug renderering) Can get triangles from physics mesh Add some faster line drawing functions to gizmo
7 Months Ago
Start exposing CPhysAggregareData PhysicsGroupDescription can get a list of parts, and their parts Add Gizmo.Draw.LineCylinder (sucks) Add BodyPart.Transform
7 Months Ago
Add PhysGroup.Remove
7 Months Ago
PhysicsTrace supports Capsule trace
7 Months Ago
Make physics trace operate identically to game trace, diagnosing bbox vs sphere
7 Months Ago
PhysicsTrace.EndPoint fix
7 Months Ago
Add PhysicsWorld.Trace
7 Months Ago
Fix MeshTrace result not returning good defaults EndPosition is now the hit position if hit, non hits have endposition and distance set Delete the sceneobject RayTraceObject straigt away
7 Months Ago
Don't remove an event instance - even if it's throwing errors
7 Months Ago
Event system unregister (#1291) * Rewrite event system to lift and sweep * Enroller calls unregister before hotload, register afterwards
7 Months Ago
Add PhysicsCallback class Add PhysicsShape.IsTrigger Handle IsTrigger in collisionfilter CollisionEvent callback stub implement > < operator overloads in TimeSince/TimeUntil
7 Months Ago
Move vphysics into engine2
7 Months Ago
Add SerializedObject.OnPropertyChanged callback
7 Months Ago
Add BBox,FromBoxes, BBox.FromPoints
7 Months Ago
Don't run Program.Main if package is local. The assumption is that they'll be using scene view so that's controlled by the editor. Allow provide message with Assert.NotNull, IsNull
7 Months Ago
Ignore sln, lutconfig, lutignore when publishing When can't find active package, print a list of packages that it can find
7 Months Ago
Ignore unittest folder when publishing
7 Months Ago
Lets not have a games folder in the sln anymore Lets put the sln in the active game folder
7 Months Ago
TypeLibrary ignores Delegate types
7 Months Ago
Add rotational vector getters to Transform Add additional aspect ratios
7 Months Ago
TreeView/TreeNode speedup Don't render NativeRenderingWidget if it's not visible Give nice warning when calling AssetSystem.CreateResource with invalid extension Allow overriding some of the SceneMapLoader functions
7 Months Ago
Remove unused pvs stuff Don't delete the whole physics and sceneworld when removing a SceneMap Remove .vmap extension when trying to load a map Expose Map.PhysicsGroup, Map.SceneMap
7 Months Ago
Only do this if we have a shadow controller
7 Months Ago
Add PhysicsBody.Move - which complies with the ShadowController
7 Months Ago
vsopen won't open a file unless a file line is specified Add BaseItemWidget.ItemClicked Added EditorUtility.Projects.WaitForCompiles() Fix a bunch of potential issues when deleting a listview during selection callback
7 Months Ago
Fix TypeDescription.SourceFile + SourceLine sometimes coming from a base class
7 Months Ago
CodeEditor.OpenFile will look through all the local project's code paths if relative path
7 Months Ago
Gizmo camera settings, camera smoothing
7 Months Ago
Allow setting max distance for Model hitbox Add TreeNode.OnActivated Add copy/paste/clear to ResourceControlWidget
7 Months Ago
Gizmo.Instance.FirstPersonCamera returns true if user input Validity checks when deleting physics shape from a body Add Gizmo.Hitbox.Model
7 Months Ago
Fix BBox not serializing to json right
7 Months Ago
Mark a bunch of stuff as only accessible from the main thread
7 Months Ago
Add BBoxControlWidget Expose a few things in SceneCubemap