3,634 Commits over 1,583 Days - 0.10cph!
Fixed loading screen not hiding, game not starting
Delete previous ActiveScene when switching scenes
Fix Asset.LoadResource refusing to return the value even though it was correct
Add ProjectConfig.StartupScene, update project settings
Ignore Widget Visible changes if is invalid
Protect against Camera.Main being null (should never happen)
Save StartupScene in meta instead
Clean out GameMenuInstance, delete default game menu, load startup scene
More namespacing
Add GameObject templates
Move GameObject and Component into Sandbox namespace
Scene editing widgets in addons/tools/
Fix can't inspect prefab files
Add sprite shader
Move some editor stuff into Sandbox.Tools
NetRead doesn't exist
Lets run unit tests without a window
Move a bunch of stuff into Sandbox.Tools
Expose SceneNetworkSystem
Hack: Skip rendering to pixmap if framebuffer is 0x0
Move SceneFile to Engine (from Game)
Manually define RPCs
Ensure Paint is only ever used in main thread
Replace connect, disconnect, status commands
Move GameObjects unit tests into engine, update unit test init code (actually opens the game window now, might fuck up CI)
Move WorldPanel and WebPanel to engine
Remove Game.SceneWorld
Add GameNetworkSystem.IsActive
TypeLibrary: Expose properties if get is public, disable setting if set is not public
Add Game assembly to editor typelibrary
Add Scene, GameObject, Component system
Remove TypeForwardedTo's
Remove physics step from Task
Delete unused
Only skip non public property set if not dynamic assembly
Tick GameManager from GameMenuDll
Mark GameTags as expose
Delete old particles
Delete ViewDesc.cs
Delete IPostProcessEntity
delete PrefabLibrary, Prefab, IPrefabObject, PrefabAttribute
Remove GameManager
Delete MoveHelper (in scene system now, this uses the wrong trace classes)
Remove Trace, TraceResult
Move Time and TimeSince into Engine
Delete old navmesh code
Remove MapSchema, DamageInfo, LifeState, LightQuery
Remove EntityComponents + EntityPrefabEditor (fixes Sandbox.Component namespace conflict)
ResourceLibrary is a global static, ClothingContainer is in engine
delete AutomaticRenderHook
Remove DepthOfField
Remove ScreenEffects
Remove RenderHook system
Delete materials that I broke by deleting all that shit
Merge Audio and Sound, just one global static class called Sound
Add example decals
Add useful particle/effect shapes
Remove a bunch of decals
Remove a bunch of particle materials/textures
TreeView shift multi select works as expected
Add MultiSerializedObject
Clean inspector creation
Fix mistakes
Widget contenthash should be ready to update straight away
Multi edit support in a bunch of ControlWidgets
Rotation.SmoothDamp is static
Add SmoothMove.SmoothMove which takes a transform, does rotation too
Cleanup failed experiment
Add PhysicsBody.GetLerpedTransform
Add PhysicsBody.SmoothMove
sceneanimatableobject sets physics bone positions on non animated models too
Fix skinned mesh bounds being fucked (although this needs another look later on)
Hitbox tags are a tagset
Fix opening menus as modal
PhysicsTraceBuilder tweaks, allow running existing trace on other worlds
PhysicsTrace cleanup, can trace against Capsule, BBox, Sphere individually
Make CUtlString a real interop type
Add binds for CHitBox, HitBoxSet
Fix embarassing CUtlString conversion
Add Model.HitboxSet
If in editor then mount source2/cloud in the gamemenu
Load resources from the correct filesystem in GameMenu
Allow widgets to intercept/override shortcuts
Console output ignores shortcuts when selected/focused (copy works again)
Can jump to items in the asset list by typing the name
Ignore these ikchain scale asserts
Allow more Json depth
Whitelist Task.IsCompletedSuccessfully
Give game system access to the loading screen
Tweak ControlWidget creation so the value doesn't pop in a frame later
Simpler decal shader
Add SceneObject.Flags.NeedsEnvironmentMap
Quick and dirty loading screen when downloading game menu
Add Menu.AddOption
Get bool state from BoolControlWidget
Add Sheet class for shaders
Add Depth class
Add Fog api
Send TcpChannel in a thread, so it doesn't lock up the unit tests
Add Widget.UpdatesEnabled - which to be honest is fucking useless but it's there for completeness