userGarry Newmancancel

3,702 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.09cph!

4 Years Ago
Deleted Realm GameUI hides properly again Cleaning unused shit Moved interop defs to their own project Tools build Delete binaries that are rebuilt easily Ignore binaries Update access lists Ignore cfg/video.txt Create gamecontext.drawio.png
4 Years Ago
Get managed function pointers via array instead of using coreclr Create Sandbox.Game Interop create via Sandbox.Interop.CreateInterface Add GameContext Definitions Updated for Sandbox.Game Create EngineLoop.cs Create IGameInterface.cs Engine InternalsVisibleTo Sandbox.Game Bootstrap do some Context checks Moved/Deleted from Sandbox.Engine Bind fixes Addons/Compiler loads through GameContexts Move AssemblyLoading shit out of Bootstrap Move Library to Sandbox.Game Don't register convars if not the right context Don't log until Bootstrap.PreInit - because we want the current dir to be set so the logs get in the right folder Fixed error if menu not compiled Add Sandbox.Game to BaseAccess.txt
4 Years Ago
Update sandbox.client.win64.vdf Switch to unmanaged delegates
4 Years Ago
Added interop boxed flag, for things like CEntityIndex CreateClientEntityFromNetwork re-implemented activated server interop Bind CEntityClass Interop: better casting Create entity.system.def Added EntityManager.CreateServerEntity Cleaner way to create entities with a enginename override Explicit casting fixes Overide entity creation in GameEntitySystem Remove rubbish in GameRules Updated Binds Interop: Access to all baseclass functions without casting Rebuild binds Cleaning generated code
4 Years Ago
Exclude some files from steam upload
4 Years Ago
Don't print out every imported concommand Opening console opens our console
4 Years Ago
Added panorama.def Added Source.CBaseHandle Generated Added INetRuntime to singletons Panorama uses new sandbox.panorama instead of hopping on sandbox.client Don't need to define g_pNetRuntime here now
4 Years Ago
Bind IHandleEntity, CBaseHandle Bind CEntityInstance Bind CGameEntity
4 Years Ago
Create entity.drawio.png
4 Years Ago
Added Sandbox.ClientInput Don't mouse look if visible UI that wants mouse Bootstrap::Init later so we catch all the convars from client/server
4 Years Ago
Create input.drawio.png
4 Years Ago
Fuck all this vgui input shit Call gameui_activate if escape pressed in game If we're turning layer input off, also call Blur() to keyboard focus Main menu call gameui_hide oncancel if in game
4 Years Ago
Cleaning so I can understand what's happening Cleaner gameloop binds Bind GameUI.GetInputContext
4 Years Ago
Fixed test panel particles not ticking Fixed dll location in addon csproj Show loading screen
4 Years Ago
Fixed Console idle cpu usage always -resizing Ignore Addon debris Panorama mouse inputs Send all events to managed Added RealTimeSince Schedule uses RealTimeSince Call UpdateRealTime from engine2 loop Update mainmenu.htm
4 Years Ago
Some fonts Fixed label assert Default to unlimited fps Added missing binds
4 Years Ago
Custom panorama filesystem GetPanelTypeOrOverride fixes
4 Years Ago
Client interop setup Add InteropType double Remove windows.h include in native interop gen, use Plat_FatalError to throw errors instead Ignore .gen folders Add g_pGameUIService binds Add g_pInputStackSystem binds Delete g_pMatSystemSurface binds delete gameuifuncs binds Delete PanoramaHelpers Update style.def Update panelClient.def Commenting out and fixing up the binds - just want to get panorama working for now Update panorama with functions made on source1 repo Update c_baseentity with shit from source1 repo Update clientmode_hlnormal.cpp Binding Gen Call MenuSystem::Init when loaded
4 Years Ago
Try to find a running devenv.exe when working out where it is from console Ignore tool build debris Bind g_pInputService Can run commands from our console
4 Years Ago
Engine Ticking
4 Years Ago
InteropGen adds a IsReady to binding setup Engine can print to our console
4 Years Ago
Copying over addons folder Create baseaccess.txt Ignore game/logs Bootstrap use GAMEROOT
4 Years Ago
Skip all the unittests in sandbox_all Ignore unittest folders Ignore unittest folders Compile fixes testmap update Latest binaries Update .gitignore
4 Years Ago
Full shader recomile
4 Years Ago
Update sbox_game.bat InteropGen Sandbox::IHost to INetRuntime CGameClient is now CServerSideClient IVEngineClient is now IVEngineClient2 Updated definitions to compile in new codebase Managed generated, stubbing engine2 include generated interop engine2 SetupInterop Call Bootstrap::PreInit, Bootstrap::Init
4 Years Ago
Latest Merge branch 'engine'
4 Years Ago
Text file telling people to install webview2 Blazor Console Tools Compiled Ignore Debris
4 Years Ago
Sandbox.Host isn't needed now adding bin/managed Update engine build locations, ignores Delete some build debris
4 Years Ago
Unused dll Sandbox Engine from sandbox.source
4 Years Ago
net 5.0.0-rc.1.20451.14 Load net runtime on startup
4 Years Ago
Put client/host/server in game/bin/ Added SBoxHost Load SBoxHost from engine as soon as possible
4 Years Ago
dynamic lighting enabled (needs shader recompile)
4 Years Ago
noclip sensible defaults Lets use panorama without v8 Can remove the v8 dlls Don't try to open p4 when editing shit in the panorama debugger Update .gitignore
4 Years Ago
cl_sbox/sv_sbox Bind the console key by default Fixed missing panorama fonts folder
4 Years Ago
Getting rid of GetServerGCLobby (nullptr crashes server on connect)
4 Years Ago
Steam upload fixes
4 Years Ago
None of this seems to be used either More decal test More unused shit Create steam_appid.txt steam upload Steam upload ignores
4 Years Ago
None of these seem to be used Decal tests
4 Years Ago
up to date content compile
4 Years Ago
Fixed content
4 Years Ago
Stealing more content
4 Years Ago
Stealing some test content
4 Years Ago
move shaders to sbox folder +renderingpipelines +scenesystem in sbox_game.bat
4 Years Ago
core shader rebuild Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
testmap compiled content Reduce maxplayers sbox_gamerules More debris ignore Compile fixes sbox_player
4 Years Ago
compiled content
4 Years Ago
lightcookie compiles Debris Create rebuild_sbox_content.bat Debris Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
missing sbox/materials/dev
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
shaders from hlsl (I don't think we have shaders for another pipeline or something) build bat change, ignore sln Added CSBOXGameConfiguration (GetDesiredRenderingPipeline needs to return "VR") More debris