userGarry Newmancancel

5,121 Commits over 1,552 Days - 0.14cph!

6 Months Ago
Dedicated server starts up properly
6 Months Ago
Fix spelling
6 Months Ago
Spelling fix
6 Months Ago
Remove ProjectConfig.Tags Add Package.UpdateValue( key, val ) Add debounce to Package.UpdateValue Add SerializedProperty.Create() Can edit some asset properties inline
6 Months Ago
Fix Warnings
6 Months Ago
Package.Type.Gamemode becomes Package.Type.Game Can publish any asset, scene + prefab previewers Published assets can optionally include source files
6 Months Ago
Add algorithmVersion to vtex crc if GGXCubeMapBlur Increment sky shader version, forces material rebuild, which forces a texture rebuild
6 Months Ago
GameObjectSystem metrics
6 Months Ago
DynamicSceneObject can take vertex span instead of one at a time
6 Months Ago
Process particles in a GameSystem, all at the same time, to benefit from multithreading
6 Months Ago
Fix Component being decorated with IUpdateSubscriber, IFixedUpdateSubscriber (making it useless)
6 Months Ago
Don't do MakeNameUnique() if we have > 100 siblings, don't always create a hashset Lets cache TypeLibrary.GetTypes( t ) - and invalidate when things change - this significantly improves TypeLibrary performance
6 Months Ago
Completely remove the locking from Performance.Scope
6 Months Ago
Benchmark fullscreen is borderless
6 Months Ago
Optimize performance scope to not lock, not create Use custom implementation of .HasFlag for mostly unnessecary optimization ( .Contains() ) Micro optimization, use RenderAttributes.SetComboEnum<T> instead of SetCombo (avoid boxing) Avoid creating a Func when getting friend state avoid creating an array when iterating CircularBuffer Fix player count in GameLobbyGroup Fix warnings This stops the creation of boxed steamids, somehow
6 Months Ago
Scene.RunTrace optimization (test)
6 Months Ago
Fix warnings
6 Months Ago
Add Diagnostics.Allocations Temporary allocations dock Send allocation info with benchmarks
6 Months Ago
Force render settings for benchmark
6 Months Ago
Benchmark launcher (wip)
6 Months Ago
Actually save the project list when adding a project to it Add OnParticleDestroy, OnParticleCreate properties for actiongraph
6 Months Ago
Don't think ControlWidget if it's not visible Add Style.HasBorder ComponentEditorWidget default size mode Margin.GetEdges optimizationj Add Paint.SetFont, Paint.Rect (from Styles) Add EditorUtility.Projects.ResolveCompiler( assembly ) TabWidget has a no text mode, icons only Add experimental StyleWidget Add custom inspector for Particle Effect
6 Months Ago
Moved to
6 Months Ago
Update to steam sdk 1.60 Make game focus when playing in editor consistent, instead of having to click on it sometimes
6 Months Ago
Push scene scope when setting up camera, fixes sbox-issues/issues/5730
6 Months Ago
Fix warning
6 Months Ago
Live lobby list
6 Months Ago
GameObjectFlags.DontDestroyOnLoad works Session hash is a guid Benchmark service Remove debug Benchmark api input
6 Months Ago
SkinnedModelRenderer - add string based bone getters Fix GetPlayerStats caching wrong LocalFileSystem cleanup
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Add Application.HoveredWidget Hide EngineOverlay if the game isn't visible Fix SceneViewport hasmouseinput logic
6 Months Ago
Add Transform.ForwardRay Fix editor not finding resources in libraries Add GameObject.Clone( prefabPath ) Add copy/paste by right clicking property labels Can set animgraph bool params using numbers GameEditorSession stores the session that spawned it Add SceneEditorSession.Resolve, GetParentSession Can right click properties in game session and apply their tweaked values to editor session
6 Months Ago
Increase/Decrease grid size shortcuts were the wrong way around Add grid axis selection in perspective viewport Shutdown Tools properly on launcher exit Add Close On Launch option to launcher fix debug compile Simplify how RecentScenes works Load editor MRU and tags after all assets have been imported Move Scene.Save to EditorSession.Save, update scene name/path on saveas, record asset as opened Loading a prefab in editor loads the cloud assets
6 Months Ago
Fix NRE when setting border size to a %
6 Months Ago
Yoga3 * Latest version (fixes, additions) * No longer relies on thirdparty * Uses our interop system (faster) * Much cleaner implementation
6 Months Ago
Remove yoga from vpc groups
6 Months Ago
Update to yoga 3, embed in engine vpc fixes Remove Facebook.Yoga Convert style setters Bug fixes Add tests It's important to yoga to be fp:precise because it uses nan Measure functions Restore to previous defaults Fix package card style (now position: absolute is fixed) Consolidate enums Support for `align-content: space-evenly`
6 Months Ago
Consolidate enums Support for `align-content: space-evenly`
6 Months Ago
Measure functions Restore to previous defaults Fix package card style (now position: absolute is fixed)
6 Months Ago
Add tests It's important to yoga to be fp:precise because it uses nan
6 Months Ago
Bug fixes
6 Months Ago
Update to yoga 3, embed in engine vpc fixes Remove Facebook.Yoga Convert style setters
6 Months Ago
add support for multiple scene views, orthographic scene views, and configurable grid axis add keybind to cycle camera plane around selection refactor bits into SceneEditorViewport, re/store gizmo settings alongside viewport cookie rework to single layout and splitter, disable new tab creation for now add support for per-widget toolbar actions save/restore sceneview layout move viewport/instance gizmo settings to EditorCookie from ProjectCookie move save/restore viewport cookies to addon space no reason to copy+set camera transform anymore use active SceneOverlayWidget directly use a single toolmanager instance fix nudging remove some global gizmoinstance refs tuck camera alignment shortcuts away in camera menu maintain layout config when toggling viewport fullscreen remove log camera fixes: make orthographic clipping more predictable, add smooth(er) perspective/ortho transitions, fix gizmotest widget, reenable scene camera copy add setting to lock scene camera rotation fix incorrectly sized gizmo hitboxes in ortho view replace remaining direct scene camera transform accessors tweak sprite gizmo hitbox scale in ortho views cleanup scene tick/draw flow with multiple viewports replace legacy global GizmoInstance snip unneeded multi-tab leftovers use state/gizmo settings for scene view control replace remaining ray length with Gizmo.RayDepth don't try to save scene-specific viewport config for untitled scenes use alternate check for IsUnderMouse move viewport settings to ViewportState from GizmoSettings, use shared gizmo settings for all viewports shift camera settings to EditorPreferences, simplify viewport options restore single EditorScene gizmo settings revert camera extension changes, fix pan and orbit zoom, tidy use hammer's linked splitters for uniform viewport resizing Misc fixes Move EnablePostProcessing from GizmoSettings to ViewportState Default each viewport to a unique perspective Misc post-scenetab fixes Hide skybox in 2d views Split scene view layout/viewport classes into separate files Tidy Use frustum RayDepth for terrain, hitbox traces Make 2d clipping less crap Use black background for 2d views We don't need to do this anymore Fix perpendicular rotation handles being unusable in ortho views Fix 2d box selection: Frustum.FromCorners does ortho properly, gizmo tweaks Use correct gizmo settings for dragdrop Use correct plane for 2d view drag drop Prevent map cookie from overriding 2d viewmode rotation Draw grid on top in 2d views Merge branch 'master' into hackweek-multi-scene-view Add Widget.GetAncestor<T> Move Grid, Scene toolbars to header bar, remove SceneViewToolbar Fix warnings HeaderBar switch layout Tweak viewport menu, so you can see the checkboxes Merge pull request #1582 from Facepunch/hackweek-multi-scene-view Multi-viewport and Ortho Scene views
6 Months Ago
HeaderBar switch layout Tweak viewport menu, so you can see the checkboxes
6 Months Ago
Fix warnings
6 Months Ago
Add Widget.GetAncestor<T> Move Grid, Scene toolbars to header bar, remove SceneViewToolbar
6 Months Ago
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6 Months Ago
Add BBox + Sphere GetVolume() Call AudioProcessor.OnDestroy properly Make DspProcessor public Store and restore Mixer config when playing game in editor Update Processors in mixer UI to show enabled status catch and report exceptions when disposing GameObjectSystems Dsp tweaks
6 Months Ago
Make Gizmo.Control.BoundingBox much more visually simple Json Serialize Sphere properly (!) Gizmo.Control.BoundingBox - adjust depth bias so we can always touch the handles through geo This reverts
6 Months Ago
Expose Sphere Add ControlSheet.CreateLabel( SerializedProperty property ) Add [InlineEditor], which will make structs editable inline when applied to a property