userGarry Newmancancel

4,478 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.14cph!

6 Months Ago
Fix FindIntEditInfo returning junk if not set Tag texture sheets and animated sheets, so we can filter them in the asset browser Rebuild a bunch of textures to get the new ints in them Start access to sequence info, ready for someone else who isn't me to finish
6 Months Ago
Add SceneDynamicObject
6 Months Ago
Fix MainThreadjob getting stuck because we release/delete MainThreadjob holding the CompleteEvent, while shit is waiting.
6 Months Ago
Always use texture hookup thread pool instead of trying to use the shared thread pool
6 Months Ago
Don't yield jobs when we are one
6 Months Ago
Diagnostic TOOLS_STALL_MONITOR_SCOPE in GetMaterial
6 Months Ago
Add Texture.SequenceData, Texture.SequenceCount Fix render errors if SceneCustomObject turned null due to hotload Fix FolderNode errors when deleting a folder
6 Months Ago
Fix assembly bytes not updating on fast hotload
6 Months Ago
Should fix dedicated server crash
6 Months Ago
Broad stroke networksystem replacement Adds a network system, with host, connect2, status2 console commands for testing networking in the scene system.
6 Months Ago
Clean up for merge
6 Months Ago
Host handles channel id's Add status2
6 Months Ago
Force cursor visible if console visible Refactor NetworkUser to NetworkChannel, make NetworkSystem internal
6 Months Ago
Filesystem initialization in the right place for unit tests
6 Months Ago
Add missing dlls
6 Months Ago
Try to get FACEPUNCH_ENGINE to be an absolute path
6 Months Ago
Get the engine env var from the process
6 Months Ago
Set the env var for the test folder during run
6 Months Ago
Move unit test location Fix up unit test paths We don't need to copy all this stuff anymore Handle uri.IsPrivate exceptions Don't try to load materials during unit test (todo) Put filesystem testfolder in .source2 Don't upload unittest folder to Steam
6 Months Ago
Add Time.Scope Don't send broadcast messages to connections that aren't fully connected Allow GameNetworkSystem to push
6 Months Ago
Joined/Disconnected callbacks in GameNetworkSystem Simple JsonMessage handling
6 Months Ago
Add GameNetworkSystem Snapshot transport
6 Months Ago
Assembly transfer
6 Months Ago
ByteStream tweaks Put unit test project downloads in .source2 Application.IsUnitTest is true during unit tests Basic, unoptimized message splitting Reduce steam networking debug output Collect game assemblies on join
6 Months Ago
Handshake reduce
6 Months Ago
Gather required packages & menu packages from server's game
6 Months Ago
Engine unit tests (disabled) Remove unused Prepare for -joinlocal Handshake json messaging Create NamedPipeTest.cs Fixes
6 Months Ago
Fix can't run sandbox.engine console commands from in game console
6 Months Ago
Named pipes 😊🔫
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Handshake framework Refactor
6 Months Ago
Warn if interopgen structs are less than pointer size, so should be marked with [small] Mark some stuff as [small] Bind SteamNetworkSocket, SteamNetworkConnection Cleanup
6 Months Ago
Fix OnEscapePressed
6 Months Ago
Add PhysicsBody.Surface, PhysicsShape.Surface Add Input.EscapePressed
6 Months Ago
Fix native dsn again Fix not writing .version etc if commit message was empty
6 Months Ago
Rename some of this intersection stuff
6 Months Ago
Keep AO proxies updated after animation
6 Months Ago
Fix NRE in Gradient
6 Months Ago
Add TypeDescription.BaseType fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/3660 fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/2611
6 Months Ago
If package starts with local. then don't find by exact name Throw exception in CodeEditor.OpenFile if passed path is null or empty Disable Panel go to source is source file is empty Handle not found exception in MenuUtility.Storage.GetStorageFiles() Fix NRE in LoadAllAssembliesFromPackage, if a package failed to load
6 Months Ago
Update sentry native dsn
6 Months Ago
Remove deleted bodies and shapes from m_CollisionEvents
6 Months Ago
Ignore world by looking for world tag, instead of entity == 0 (because it's always 0 in scene system) Trigger ignore if both have no touch events - not just one Fill out the ContactEnd struct Add PhysicsShape.Collider object
6 Months Ago
Re-order VPhysIntersectionNotification_t to make it more c# interop friendly Add IPhysicsWorld.ProcessIntersections Add Gizmo.Draw.LineSphere easy mode Add PhysicsBody.OnTouchStart, OnTouchStay, OnTouchStop
6 Months Ago
Add experimental SceneModel,SetBoneOverride
6 Months Ago
Add generic TagSet
6 Months Ago
Transform Json serializable ControlWidget don't fall through OnContextMenu by default
6 Months Ago
Add Paint.MeasureText easy mode Speed up PopupWidget fade in Add ITag.SetFrom
6 Months Ago
Add SceneMode.OnSoundEvent
6 Months Ago
Add SceneModel.OnGenericEvent