userGarry Newmancancel

4,478 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.14cph!

6 Months Ago
Fix CUtlString copying crash in animevent_t
6 Months Ago
Add SceneModel.UpdateToBindPose() Add SceneModel.OnFootstepEvent Update FootstepEvent Give citizen foot_L and foot_R attachments back, so footstep events work
6 Months Ago
Add CSceneAnimatableObject.SetBindPose More keyvalues binds Disable a ton of anim events (until someone tells me they were using it) Anim event callbacks
6 Months Ago
Add BodyGroupsControlWidget
6 Months Ago
Add BodyPart.BoneName ControlWidget supports wide mode Added ControlWidget.ValueHash
6 Months Ago
HasAttribute non generic CustomEditorAttribute has WithAllAttributes property Name the bodygroups in citizen Add Model.BodyParts, obsolete all the old accessors
6 Months Ago
HasAttribute non generic CustomEditorAttribute has WithAllAttributes property Name the bodygroups in citizen Add Model.BodyParts, obsolete all the old accessors
6 Months Ago
Add SceneModel.MergeBones( SceneModel other ) This isn't needed None of this is used, prove me wrong Revert "None of this is used, prove me wrong" This reverts commit 673e5e351dc372e2cdb4b91f3fefcea3b8fd9990. Don't publish fbx files Merge branch 'master' into new-physics-merge
6 Months Ago
Don't publish fbx files
6 Months Ago
Revert "None of this is used, prove me wrong" This reverts commit 673e5e351dc372e2cdb4b91f3fefcea3b8fd9990.
6 Months Ago
None of this is used, prove me wrong
6 Months Ago
This isn't needed
6 Months Ago
Add SceneModel.MergeBones( SceneModel other )
6 Months Ago
Fix startup error Performance scope animation update
6 Months Ago
AssetSystem: optimize FindByPath lookup Optimize GameResourceProcessor Keep __references ordered to avoid diff hell Optimize recursive WalkJsonTree
6 Months Ago
SceneModel can get anim parameters
6 Months Ago
Add PhysicsWorld.Step( delta, substeps )
6 Months Ago
SelectionSystem has events Rename TreeNode.HasChild to TreeNode.HasDescendant Open and scroll to selected item in treeview
6 Months Ago
Updated trace code from Jay
6 Months Ago
add Gizmo.Draw.SolidNavigationMesh, LineNavigationMesh
6 Months Ago
Add NavigationPath.GetPositionAlongPath Add Gizmo.Draw.SolidTriangles Remove all the Msg'ing when generating a navmesh
6 Months Ago
Fill out SceneParticles
6 Months Ago
See if we can convince it to compile editor addons during test
6 Months Ago
Write s&box.sln in unit test proper
6 Months Ago
artifact game log files when running test
6 Months Ago
Add ProjectCookie, to save cookies relative to a specific project (like last opened scenes etc)
6 Months Ago
Fix bloom being enabled by default
6 Months Ago
Clean release build at 1am every day
6 Months Ago
If there is no current game, generate s&box.sln (fixes sbox/issues/1302)
6 Months Ago
Add PhysicsBody.AddShape() which takes a Hull and transforms it
6 Months Ago
Add SceneModel.AnimationGraph
6 Months Ago
Don't hit gizmo hitbox if too close FloatControlWidget observes [Range] attributes, creates a slider
6 Months Ago
Add Gradient type, editor, tests
6 Months Ago
Add CurveControlWidget Add SceneCamera.Bloom
6 Months Ago
Turns out none of this stuff was needed because I'd already coded it
6 Months Ago
Make RootPanel.IsWorldPanel virtual, so we can be more explicit with it Be a bit more accurate with Rotation equality Add SceneCamera.EnableUserInferface
7 Months Ago
Add SceneCamera.OnRenderOverlay
7 Months Ago
Fix IgnoreFolders losing case insensitivity in Json by assuming it's not case insensitive
7 Months Ago
Extended info in editor startup when waiting for account information Skip null children in TreeNode list
7 Months Ago
Rotation Gizmo should return false if not rotated
7 Months Ago
Add Material.GetTexture( name ) (gets the texture by shader variable name)
7 Months Ago
Fix TypeDescription.Init exceptions Remove unused on ManagedTools Send an "game.loaded" event to tools when the game has loaded
7 Months Ago
Cleanup Change SceneCamera.VolumetricFog to a property Update VolumetricFog automatically, before render Remove GetMainCameraVolumetricFog (unused)
7 Months Ago
Fixed missing asset type icons
7 Months Ago
Scale WebWidget by dpi scale
7 Months Ago
Remove now obsolete tests
7 Months Ago
TypeLibrary stores and reuses TypeDescriptions and MemberDescriptions when swapping assemblies.
7 Months Ago
Highlight asset list folder when selected Fix baseitemwidget drag hover and drag drop logic being backwards
7 Months Ago
Don't try to make Application.CursorPosition fractional (fixes not being able to click on stuff on another monitor) Add Application.CursorDelta to make having a smooth cursor delta easier with a highdpi monitor Use CursorDelta in SceneEditor first person camera
7 Months Ago
Fix error when dragging asset into its own folder