userGarry Newmancancel

5,132 Commits over 1,552 Days - 0.14cph!

1 Year Ago
Use robocopy to copy for the unit test project, because chatgpt says it's faster than xcopy
1 Year Ago
Turn the Log.Info's into Log.Trace's More debug outputs Compile to AnyCpu
1 Year Ago
Save addon.json when adding a project manually to update paths Rename first page of publish wizard to make it more obvious that it's a wizard Don't allow progress if there aren't any asset files - this indicates an issue
1 Year Ago
Fix game configuration not getting updated live when editing project settings
1 Year Ago
Highlight project that isn't compiling
1 Year Ago
Local project compiles can partially succeed - which means that one broken addon doesn't destroy the whole startup
1 Year Ago
Remove GameExtensionsPage (confusing, redundant)
1 Year Ago
Delete unused files from visbuilder Apply scale of ScaleAndMirror to particle nodes in ModelDoc (Shift+)Tab scrolls TextEntry autocomplete Addresses sboxgame/issues/issues/1190 Update cache optimized kd node Placeholder icons for local projects Addresses sboxgame/issues/issues/2468 Vis3: Use large bit vec for grid set storage and restore log warning about accessing bit out of range (this should never happen now) Disable detailed hotload diagnostics unless hotload_log >= 2 Fixed game resource editor completely rebuilding when editing values Fixes drag-editing floats for example not really working for sound scapes, etc Increase default size of GameResource editor So that soundscape editor is not squished and basically unusable without editing width every time Fix WebPanelTest throwing NRE in debugger .editorconfig changes to match Valve coding style better Delete IVfx::GetAllShaderVariables was only used for dynamic shader compiles Non Pow2 textures are allowed so make sure the tex coord scale gets set Auto upgrade "shader" kv in vmat source instead of just compiled, e.g "vr_complex.vfx" -> "shaders/complex.shader_c" Recompile all assets - mainly upgrading legacy shader names Make PlatformEntity.StartMoveBackwards/Forwards actually start moving, not just set direction Prefabs: Add Scale control to Root Entity and don't reset it back to 1 when opening editor Remove large_crate assets Hair_Longbrown Test files Fix precache error Add test DownloadPackagesWithMatchingFiles and fix Delete ServerContent class (unused) Merge branch 'master' into package-cleanup Delete BaseContent, PackageContent - client + server handle new packages being added
1 Year Ago
Don't add built in tool projects if not in editor mode
1 Year Ago
Fixed FileSend reading from the wrong filesystem Don't try to send base content (like base addon shaders) that the client should already have via fileserv
1 Year Ago
Treat BuiltIn projects differently, hide them in the project just by default
1 Year Ago
This isn't indicative of a cyclic dependency Fix everywhere I spelt dependency wrong Try to load local packages first when a package has a reference (this needs more thought though) Add RuntimeAddonReferencingRuntimeGame test Fix AddGameProject test (path change)
1 Year Ago
Fix solution not generating Add `global using static Sandbox.Internal.GlobalGameNamespace` to base addon
1 Year Ago
Wait for sln to be generated
1 Year Ago
Fix package content not mounting when pure client Add LoadRuntimeGamePackage unit test
1 Year Ago
Add some hotload skips
1 Year Ago
HotloadManager cleanup Reinstate PatchAMSI Wrap hotload sections with TryStartNoGCRegion
1 Year Ago
Build network asset list from PackageManager, delete RuntimeContent Load local base addon if runtime game
1 Year Ago
Fix project list not loading Only rebuild compiler if we need to
1 Year Ago
Add PackageReferences page to project settings Add compiler and packagereference pages to library packages Server uses PackageLoader
1 Year Ago
Fix LUT not working Add Package.Download, consolidate logic Fix VPK not mounting with new cache system Add PackageManager.Install + Symlink refcounting Simplify map download PackageManager console commands Delete AddonProvision.Map.cs We'll find a better solution to this. For now we can consider this a niche issue - the solution to which is opening the map in the editor once. The best solution is to save the editor addon list in the vpk - but only install them if we can somehow detect that we're a standalone map. Add LocalProject unit tests Don't double mount citizen + rust content Remove symlink debug LocalProjects add and remove projects on enable/disable Project test fix Take RequiredContent from active "server" packages Delete SearchPath.cs, Content.cs Process assemblies from PackageManager instead of running through ServerContent bullshit Rename ServerPackages to ServerPackagesStringTable Speed up unit test file copies Move compiling to LocalProject, local runtime projects should act exactly like regular packages so we don't end up with two paths Fix compilegroup not removing from recompile on compiler remove Use a shared compile group for the localproject compile Move RunFrame into EngineLoop Set previousTime in RunLoop Detect changes and rebuild local projects Run steam callbacks in one place Add PackageLoader (replacing GameAssemblyManager, unit testable) Make Project Generator work a bit better with the unified local packages Package loader test standalone addon Tools code hotloading works again
1 Year Ago
Package loader test standalone addon Tools code hotloading works again
1 Year Ago
Fix compilegroup not removing from recompile on compiler remove Use a shared compile group for the localproject compile Move RunFrame into EngineLoop Set previousTime in RunLoop Detect changes and rebuild local projects Run steam callbacks in one place Add PackageLoader (replacing GameAssemblyManager, unit testable) Make Project Generator work a bit better with the unified local packages
1 Year Ago
Speed up unit test file copies Move compiling to LocalProject, local runtime projects should act exactly like regular packages so we don't end up with two paths
1 Year Ago
Process assemblies from PackageManager instead of running through ServerContent bullshit Rename ServerPackages to ServerPackagesStringTable
1 Year Ago
Delete AddonProvision.Map.cs We'll find a better solution to this. For now we can consider this a niche issue - the solution to which is opening the map in the editor once. The best solution is to save the editor addon list in the vpk - but only install them if we can somehow detect that we're a standalone map. Add LocalProject unit tests Don't double mount citizen + rust content Remove symlink debug LocalProjects add and remove projects on enable/disable Project test fix Take RequiredContent from active "server" packages Delete SearchPath.cs, Content.cs
1 Year Ago
PackageManager console commands
1 Year Ago
Simplify map download
1 Year Ago
Add PackageManager.Install + Symlink refcounting
1 Year Ago
Fix VPK not mounting with new cache system
1 Year Ago
Fix LUT not working Add Package.Download, consolidate logic
1 Year Ago
Add Typelibrary.GetMethodsWithAttribute Add ThumbnailRenderAttribute Add IResourceCompilerContext.def Add Asset.OverrideThumbnail( pixmap ) Prefabs have thumbnails! Move ThumbnailRendererAttribute
1 Year Ago
Move stereo rendering to GameDebug menu Add Visualize Scene Objects to GameDebug menu
1 Year Ago
Added a bunch of debug view options
1 Year Ago
Prefab adds component after deserializing so variables are set before Activate is called Prefab Component - default values Name the new component after its type Add ModelPhysicsComponent
1 Year Ago
Add RenderColor to prefab model
1 Year Ago
Add SceneCamera.Worlds (for adding multiple worlds) Plumb renderpipeline so SceneCamera can add its extra worlds GizmoInstances create and maintain their own SceneWorld
1 Year Ago
GetPositionOnPlane draw plane when hitbox.debug Fix position gizmo arrow wrong plane
1 Year Ago
Package.FetchAsync can skip cache This reverts commit e04575555373f3d6faca204fe56d705a9aaa95be. Revert LineEdit change (controls should only signal changes when changed, not when first set) Change how errors are displayed in project publish
1 Year Ago
Hide prefab/prefabguid in entitycomponent in inspector
1 Year Ago
Can drag and drop models/prefabs into the game
1 Year Ago
▍▉▌█▉▊▊▄ ▆▉▄ ▄▉▇▌█ ▊█▍ ▊▊ ▆▆▊▍▆▅▋▌ ▌▇▌▋▉▄▋▅▌▉ ▇▅█ ▉█▋▇ ▇▊ ▌▍▄▅ ▅▋▍▊ ▆▅▉▆█▌▅▇▆ ▅▆▄ ▇▅▇ ▌▌▊█▅ ▊▌▍▊▍▉▍ ▌▌▅▋▄ ▉██ ▄▆ ▆▌▆▆▆▆ ▉▄▆ ▇▊▊▆▇█▆▋▍█▅ ▌▇▍▍▆▉▄▇▅█ ▍▊ ▆▉▉▋▆▍█▊█ ▉▊▅▆▆▉▌▇▌▌ █▍▍ █▍▌▇▍▊▅ ▆▍▌█ ▄▇▋▋▊'▄ ▌▉ ▌▋▆ ▋▋▋▄▍▆▄ ▇▉ █▊▇ ▄▊▌ ▍▍▌█▅▊▋ ▋▆▌▌▅ ▊▌▍▍ (#▅▅▆) ▅▅▉ ▍▊▍ ▅▊▆ ▍▇▄▊▅ ▌▅▍▊▇▉ '▉▍▍▉▆▄' ▄█ █▊▉▉ ▅▌█ ▋▇▄▅▉ ▄▍█▌▌▋▆▍▌ ▋▄▆ ▋▊▊▆▅▄▊▊▌▋ ▅▊█▌▌▌▊▄▋ ▍▉▌ ▉▊▉▅▊█▌▅ ▊▋▊▇▋█▅▆▊▆ ▇▉▋▆▌ ▌█▄▌█▇ ▋▍▅ ▊▍▅▄▋▍█▆ ▋▋▅▇▄▄ ▄█▊███▉ ▄▅▆ ▋▊▋ -▉▉█ ▋▌▌▉ ▊▋▇▅ - ▉▊▌ ▄▋▍ ▅█▌▇▄█▋▌▇█▉: ▊▌▌▆▄▅ ▌▊▇▍▆▉ █▇▇▄█▌ ▋▊▉▆▅▅▆ ▌█▉▄ ▊▍▉█▄▄▌▉▌▉ █▍▇█▄ ▌▍ ▇▍▊█ ▆▄ ▉▋▍▇▋ ▊▍▆▋ ▇▊▊▄▊▄█▇██▉ ▇▆▊▅ ▋▅ ▆▇██▌▊█ ▌▍▊▄▋ ▅▌▍▆ ▋▊▋▌▍://▅▌▍▊▆.▍▊▊▆▄▋▉▊█.▊▋▇/█▄▆▅▋/█▇▊▆▊▊▄▉/▄█▍▅_▄█▉▌▊▊▋▆▊▉.▆▅▉ █▆█'█ ▅▋▊▌ ██▉▄▍▇ ▄▉▋▄▇▉█▇ ▆▆█▌ ▇ ▉▌▄▍▅█▋▅ █▊▅▍▋ ▇▆▉▄▍▌▊ ▇▊▋▍▉▍ ▉▄ ▅▍▆▍▆ ▇▄▍█▉█ ▉▆▅▉▍▉ ▄▊ ▆▅▋▆▆▊ ▆▄▌▅▄▇ ▅▌▊▄█▇ ▆▋█▆▇▅▉ ▉▆▇ ▅▄▋▇ █▇▇▍ ▇▋▍▆▍ ▆▆▋█▅ ▆▊▊▄▅ ▉▇▆ ▅▍▌ ▊▋▋█▌▍ ▋▇▋▍▌▉ ▊▋▊█▍ ▋▆▄▉ ▋▇▇▉▋▅▍▆ ▍▆▅ ▇▅ ▋▄▆ ▌▄▇█▇ ▊▆▇▄▍ ▇█▅██▍ ▍▆▍▇ ▇▌▅▋ ▌▅▋ ▊▋▆▉ ▄▊▅▄▋▍ ▉▅▄▅ ▍▉▌▌█▄ (▉▋▅█ ▌▌▊▌▄ ▍▉▊▆▍ ▉▊▌▇/▇▌▍▇ ▋▄ ▇▄▌▅█▇▆▍ ▇▅ ▆▍▉▋▋▅) ▍▇▄▋▇▌ ▍▄▊▇▊█▉▊ ▄▅ ▍▅▄▋▍▉ █▊▊▉▇▅▋ ▉▄ ▅▊▅▌▊▆ ▍▊█ ▅▋ █▄ ▋▌█'▋ ▄▄▄█ ▊ ▍▆█▌█ ▅▌ ▉▌▇▅▆ █▌▇▋█▍▍█▉▊▅▄ ▇▍ ▌▄▉▅▋█▊█ ▊▍█ ▋▌▌▌▍▆█▇▋▆▍▅▍ ▉▅▄▄ ▄▆▄ ▇▉█▆▋ ▍▋▊▊ ▊▄▆ █▇▊▄▄▉ ▊█▊▋▉▋ ▍▍▉▉▊ ▇▊ ▇▇▌▄▆ █▉▄▍▉▌▊ ▅▅▋▊▊▌▄ ▄██▌ ▇▊▍▊ ▇ ▌█▆ ▍▆▄▊ ▌▉▆█▊█ ▉▋▌▌▄█▉ ▅▆▌▊▉▇▅▍▉▉█▆▋ ▆▆▉ ▇▌▇▄█▍▅ ███ ▉▌▋▍-▉▉▉▄▆▉ ▉▉█ ▍▌▋▆▄▋▆▌ ▆▇▅▉▍▊▇▅ ▆▅ █▆▅ % ▌▇▅▉▍▌ ▊▊▍▊▄://▋██▆▊.▊▄▊▅▉▆▉▉▇.▉▌▅/▍▍█▄▇/▆▅▉▉▋▄▍▉/▅▆▊▅-▌▉▆_▅█▉▄▋▄▊▉▋▊.▅█▍ ▉▋▄ ▆▍▇▆▇▊-▄▍▍▋▊▇▍ ▌▇▉▄▊▄█▇▇▇ ▇▉▉'▋ ▍▉▊▍▄█ ▆█▅█▇▍▉▇ ▊▄▍▇▇ ▊▍ ▆▊▇▇█▆▊▌ ▊▄▊▋ ▌▅▇▇▌ ▉▌ ▊▇▆ ▄▋▊▉ ▅▋▆ ▇▍ ▆▍▌▊▌▆▉▉, ▅▊▊▉ █▊▅ ▊▅▆▋▄▌█▍ ▉▄▊▊▋ ▍▅▍▉ ▆▄▇▌▄ █▉▄▇▄▊▄ ▋▊▉▄█▌▍█▉ (▆▅▌▍ ▇▊▆▉▋▉▄▋) ▄▇▇▇▇▊▋▋▊▋▋: ▋▍▋█▅▊ ▆▅▅█ ▄▍▍▉▌▊▌ ▇▉▉█ ▊▆▋▇ ▅▊▅▆▆▋▌▉ ▇▄▄▉ ▆▅▌▉ █▍▆▍▇█▋ █▍▌█▅://▆▆▅▊▄.▅▍▍▄▌▍▋▆█.▉▉▌/▅▊▆▊▄/▄▊▄▋▍▋▍▋/▇▇▇▊_▇▄▌██▄▅▍█▉.▍▉▋ ▌▌▆ ▉▋▆▅▉▅▆█ ▉▇▅▆▄▆▉▉█ ▉▅ ▉▊▇▊▉▄▋▉█▊█▄▄▌▋▅▉▅ + ▅▅▅▌▇▌▅▍▌▌▆▄█ ▄▅▋▇▉▆▅▊▅▌▊: ▌▋▅▆▄ ▇▇▅▄█▇█▄▋ ▇▉ ▉▊▅▌▆█▆ ▇▌▇▉▅ ▍██▍▆://█▍▉▋▌.▌▉█▅▍▍▋▋▊.▉▆▊/▉▄▍▍█/▇▉▋█▊▌▅▅/▊▍▇▅_▊▋▋▌▊▋▊▇▅█.▆▊▅ ! ▋▍▍▇▌▇▄▇▄▉ ▄▄█▅ ▋▆▍'▇ ▄█▊▄▌ █▌▍▇ `▆▉▆▍▆▄▇.` ▍▌▆▌ ▌▊▇▌▊▅▊▋▅▉▍▄▅, ▅▆▆█▊ ▅██▌ ▄▋▋▋▊▌▍▅▆▌▄▅ ▉▇ ▄▌█▋▌▄▌.* ▋▇ █▄▌▍▌▌ ▇▋▋▇▍▉▉▄▌ █▌▌▍▇ ▅ ▄▍▉▌ ▅▊▆▇ ▊▇▍ ▇█ ▆▋▌▌▄▇▍▄ ▆▌▉▋'▉ ▋▊▆▍▆ ▍▇▆█▄▆ ▄▋▅▄▇▅▍.▍▆▅▌ ▄▊ ▄▋▉ █▄▋▅▄▅▉▍▊▅▊▅▄▍ ▆▋▊▉▋▇▅▌▋. ▅▌▉▉ █▌ ▉▉▍ ▉▇▌▆▋▌▅▍ ▅▆█ ▆█ ▌▍▆▍▅ █▄▆ ▇▇▊▆▊, ▆ ▉▉▅▄▄▉▊▊▊ ▄▍▄ ▋▇▋ ▆▍▇▉ ▊▄'▉ ▆▉▋▅█▊ ▅▍▆▍ ▅▊▊ █▍▅▇▊▋▆▆ ▆▍▄▊ ▋▉ ▅█▆ ▋▍▆▍▇▊▇▍ ▅▄█ ▊ ▌▄▍▅▋▇▆▋▄ ▌▌▌▇▄▉ ▊▉▋▅▍ ▉▄▅▅█▋▅ ▇▋▇▉. ▋▋ ▉▇▍▅█ ▍▅▌▋ ▆▌▄█▊ ▆▄▋█ ▇▌▉▅.▌▌▋▋▄ ▆▍▍ ▊▇▄ ▅▋▊▊▉▄▋▍▅▌ ▋▆ ▄▍▄ ▌▆▄▍▆/▍▆█▉▄▇▊ - ▍▍▌▋▉▉ ▄▆▌▊▇▆█▉▍▇ ▇▄▉▋▋▍▇ ▋▌▋▅▅▌. ! ▇▄▊▅▇▌ ▍▆▄▅ ▋▄▊▆ ▆▌▌█▊▄ ▌▄▉▉▊▍▄▉▅▌▌█▌ █▉▉▋ ▄▄ ▋▍▄▆▌▌▊ ▄▋▅ ▌▄▆█▅▄▆▉ ▅▉█▋█ ▅▆▇▆▆ ▆▊▊▅▋█▍▅▋ ▌▊▊▍ ▌▇█ ▇▌▉▍▊▇ ▆▄▊▉▊ ▍█ ▍▄▉ ▉█▋▄█▊▆▌▉ ▄▆█ ▌█ ▉▉█▄▋ ▇▋▇▉▍ ▇▊▉▆▌▍▊ ▋▋▄▅▉ ▄▆ ▍▊▉▋ █▉▄▌▅▅▍▄ ██▆▊▌ ▆▌▌▊ ▌▅▄▄▉://█▉▊▌▇.▄█▆▄▅▌▍▍▍.▌▉▉/▇▆▋▉▅/▉▅▆▌▊▆▊▄/▉▉▋▌_▅▉▅▆▌▍▉▆▇▄.▌▌▇ ▌▍▄▇▋▋▆ ▄▆▍▉ ▉█▇ ▆▊▄▊▆▆▄ ▌▇▇▆▉▇▅▇▋█▆ ▇▉ ▌▆▉▋▋▋ █▋▍▉▊▋▇ ▉▇▉▇█ ▉▊▆▄▊▋ ▄▆▇▄▊ █▉▆▆▍▉ ▍▄▆▌█▋▆▍ ▋▋▉▅▌ ▌▋█▍▋▊▆ ▋▉▋ ▊█▇▇▅█▄ ▇██▍ ▇█▄▉▄▍ ▄▅▌▄▉ ▅▉▆▍▄▉▉ ▉▊▌▇▇▉ █▄▇ ▅▉▋▇▄ ▊▌▉▆▇█ '▊▋▆▊▋▋' ▅▇ ▌▅▅▇ █▌▌▋▅ ▍▅▉▅▍▉▌▊ ▅▋██▊▋▊▋▅▍ ▌█▅▊▉█▄ ▆▆▍▅▆▉: ▅▍▋ ▉▅▌▆▊▅▇▍▊▄▊▍▅▇▉ ▉▇▌▄▇▍▆ ▊▄▄ ▋▇▌█▌ ▅▇▉▍▅ ▉▍▌▆ ▊▄▅▄▉▌ ▅▄ ▌█▉▌▊▄ ▉▋▇█▋. ▅▍▌▉▉▋▌▇ ▇▅▆▍▊▉▊█/▆▌▆▅▆▍/▊██▌▍▉/▆▍▆▌ ▄▅▊▆▋▉▊▆▊█▋: ▍▉█▍ ▇▍▊▇▌ ▄▇▉▆▇▇▅▊▋ ▆▅█ ▍▇▍█ ▍█▋▋▅▍█ ▋▆ ▋▌▍▍▊▊▉ ▊▇ ▋▊▊█▌▇█▍ (▉▇▇▆▍▆▉'█ ▇▉▌▉▋ ▅▍▋▍▊▉▅▋▅▊▉ ▋▉ ▊▆▌█▉▇▇▆ █▅█▍?) ▋▊▇█ ▆▄▋▄ ▊▉▋▍█▆▌▆▅▇ ▊▌▉█▉▇ ▊▍ ▄▉▆█▋ ▌▆▄ ▍▌▋▇▌ ▉▌▋▌▄█ ▌▄▆▉▄://▄▄█▊█.▆▅▄▋▇▄▆▌▆.▌▍▊/▇▇▍█▌/▉▄▄▋▊▉▌▌/▍▋▍▆_█▋▇▊▊▊▋▋▉█.▉▊▍ ▊▅▉ ▆▊▍▉▉▆█▇▉▊ ▊▉▆▍█▇ ▆▉▋ ▅▉▍▋▊▆▋ ▆▅▉ █▌▍▇▇▉▆▌▇, ▊▆▆▍ ▅▍ ▄▅█▊▄▆ ▇▇▌▄▍▆▌▆ ▇▋▍ ▇▌▅▋▊ ▅▍▇▅█ ▍▌▉▌▊://▌.▋▊▄▇▊.▅▇▄/█▅▇▇▇█▊.▄▍▆ ▍▅▍▅▇▍▉▆▌▋█: █▆▅ ▇█▄▉ ▆█▆▆█▅▇ ▉▌▉▄▋▌ ▌▍▆▌█▍▉ ▆▅▋▇▆://▊▊▄▌▅.▄▍▇▄▌▉▄▋▋.▌▌▌/▅▍▆▅▍/▉▉▍▆▍██▆/▅▊▌▍_▌█▆▊▋▉▅▇▋▄.█▆▅ ▊▅▋█▍▋▅▄▋▅█: ▌▌▅ █▌▋▊▌▅▋ ▍▇▊▅██▅▌▅ █▅▋ ▅▆▇▋▌▅▍▋▌ ▅▇▌▌▌▇ ▊█▍▇ ▉▅ ▇▋▋▄▇▉▆ ▄▆▉▊ (▇▅▋▌▄▄▍ ▉▍█▌▋▄ ▌▇ ▉▄█▇▅▄ ▉▉▋█▊▊ █▉▊▊▊▉) ▊█▊▅▉ ▉█ ▍▌▊▋▉▍▊ ▆▍▄ ▅▉▍█▉▋▊▍▇ █▇█▍▇▋ ▆▆▇▇, ▊█▉ ▌▍▅▆▍ ▌▆█▍█▉▉█▄▊▅▅▊ ▄▅▅▅ ▄█ ▌▆▍▆ ▋▆ ▍▇▉▊▋▄ ▆▇▌ ▋▋▍█▍▍█ ▍▊▉▅ ▆▊▉▆█▋▌▊▇▊▌ ▍▋▊█ ▅▍▋ ▇▊▌ ▌▌▆█▆▊▄▉█▇ ▇▋▊▍▆ ▋▇▅▍ ▅▉▍▆▍ ▋▅ ▋█▌█▅▇ ▌▆ █▌▇▌▆▅, ▋▅▍▆▉▆ ▅▊▆█▊▉█▉▆▍_▊▆▊_▄▌▉▊▄▆▄▌▇▉ ██▉▍▌▇ █▍▍█▉ ▄▄ ▆█▌▉▌▇▄ ▉▆▄▅▅▆, ▅█▍▄██ ▋▅▋ ▄▅▊▊▅://▌.▍▊▌▅▍.▋▇▆/▆▋▅█▇▍▆.▇▇▌ ▉▅▍▄▍▍▄▇▍ ▉▇▋ ▍▆▆▅▊▉ ▆▍▅▉▌▅▋▆▇▍█: ▅▉▊▋▋▄ ▍▌▍▋▌▄▊ ▌▌▌█ ▋▌▆▅ ▇▊▅█▊▄▇▋ ▇▊▊▅▍▋ ▍▋▍▅▅ ▆ ▇▊▌ ▇▍ █▊▄▇ ▆▉█▋ ▆▌▍ ▉▇▅ ▄▊▄▊ ▄▆▍▋▅▌▅▉▊ ▋▍▌▊▋▋▉ ▅▇▆█ ▄▅▅█▊▍▄ ▆▊▄▅▊▆ ▄▌▅▍▋▉ ▆▅▋▌▋▋ █▅▅ ▋▌▍▊█▊ ▉▌▄▉▅ ▅▌▌▌▉ ▉▇▉▉'▍▊ ▉█▌ ▄▆▇▆ █▊▅▋▍█▌, ▅█▅▊ ▉▍▄█▉▇▇▆ ▌▇▅▇▍▉▅ ▅▆█▌█▇▅ ▊ ▊▌▍█▍█▍█ ▄▅▍▄▄▉▅ ▍█▊▄█▍▆▆ ▆▅ ▋▇▉▊▊▋▆▇▇ (█▉▉?) ▌█▌▍▌ ▄▅▍▉▅▉ ▅ ▉▇▋▇▊▊▇▉▋, ▇▅ ▄▇▌█ █▊ ▊▊▅▉ ▇▉▅▅ ▉▅▆▅▆▊▊▋█▅ ▇▄ ▍▊▊▄▍▌ ▉▇▋▉▄▊ ▋▇▌█ █▉▆▌▊▅▅ ▉▅█ █▊▉▇▍▊ ▅█▊▄▄▄▊ █▍▌█▍▄▊▇▍ ▌▅▇▌▍██▌▉ ▅▍█ ▇▍▋█▊▇▉ ▇▊ (▌▇▇▍ ▋▌▋▋▅██▅ ▉▌▇▄▄▋'▊ ▄▌█▍ ▅▅ ▅▄▄ ▄▇▋▄▄) ▆▄▋▍▍▆▊: ▊▅█▊█ ▇▌ ▄█▇▊ ▊▍▇▌ ▇█▆▋▊▌ ▊▋▋▋, █▅▆▌▉▄▄▉ ▍▇▋▄ ▆▊▌▆ ▍▊▊▋▄▅ ▋█▊▇▊▆▉▌ ▄█▊▍▄ ▆▉▆▌▇▉▅ ▍▍ ▅▆▅ ▊▌▇▌▍▅▄▊▆▇▌: ▅▆▇▌▍▅▇ ▆█▇▉▊▋▊ ▌▆▆▍▆▋▇▇ ▅▄ ▇▆▍▄▇▉ ▆▌▌▋▄▊▍▊▅, ▌▊▌▌▋ ▄▆▊▅▅▌▌ ▊▍▊█▌▄▇▉ ▊▅▆▍▌▅▋▌▄ ▊▆▇▉ ▋█▅▉██▄▅▊ ▌▍█▋▉ ▌▅▆▆ ▉▊▅█▊▇▌▄▊▇▇: ▉▉▍▉▇ ▍▉, █▍▇▊▆, ▇▄▇▇▉, ▄▉▌▊▋█▊ ▊▇▆▋▌▋█▋ ▊▌▄▆▄▍ █▊▇▊▆▌▍ ▇▌█▇▍▇▍▅ █▊▌▅▆▌▍ ▊-▋ ▊▆▌ ▌▊▉▄▄▇▉▊▌▉ ▄█▉▊▇▉▌ (█▌█▉▊ ▆▅▆▅ ▋▅▉▄▉▍ ▄▄ ▄▋▆▇▆ ▊▋ ▇▆▌ ▊▇▊▉▉█▋▇ ▌▌▇?) ▆▇▇▌▍▉█▅▌▄ ▄██▊ ▉ ▆█▆▅▊▆ ▇▇▉▌▉▅▊▄▆ ▆▅▆▋ ▋▇▍▉▆▄ ▇▆ ▇▋▉ ▍▅▍▍▅▇▄ ▊▅▄▌▍://▌▍█.█▋▄▊▌▍▆▋▌▅.▇▌▍/▅▆▄▍▉▄▍█▆▊▌/▌▅█▄▊▌▇▅▊▌▊▉▅▋▍▊▊▇/▅▋▌█▅▉▍▄▍▇▌▍▍▆▅▅▋▋█/▆▅▍▌▆.▆▄█ ▋▌▆▊▇ ▆▄▄▌▄█ '▍▍▄▉▍▍' ▆▊ ▌██▄ ▄▆▅█▅▅▍▊▆▄▄: ▆▆▋ ▋█▋▍▅▆▅▇▋ █▅▊ ▍▌▍▊▅▄▆ ▋▅█▅▌ ▌▌▍▇ ▆▍▍▌▆ ▆▆▌▍▍▇ ▅▍▋█▋ ▇▉▆▅▋▉ ▌▍▍▉▉▆▆▌▄▆▇: ▋▅▌ ▉▆▇▋▉ ▄▋▅▋▅▌█ ▍█▉▆ ▊▌▊▊▄ ▍▍▋▊▍▊▄▍ ▄ ▋▅▊▊▅▄▆ ▉▉▊▌ ▋ ▆▋▊▅▆▋▇ ▋▉▉▄█'▌ ▊▇▊▄▉█▊ ▆# ▊▇▊▋▇▇▉ ▄▅▆▍ ▌▇▋▅ ▄▉▊ ▌▋ ▆▉▆▄▅▌▉▊ ▊▉ ▍▆▅█▉█▍▇ ▍█▋▊▇ ▆▅▊ █▌▆▉█▍▉ ▍▍▅▅ ▉▉▉▋▌, █▊ ▆▋▋▌ ▅▋ ▅▅▋ █▍▉▅▍▍▉▇▊█, ▅▄▄▋ ▅▉▇▆ █▋▇ ▊▌▆ ▋▍▇▍▊▋ ▉▇▆▅▄▍▇ ▄▅▊▄▆▅█▇ ▊▆ ▍▉▆▋█▋ ██▌▄▇ ▇▍ ▉▊▊▍▌▋ ▋▌ ▋▅▅▇▅▋▋▅ █▇▌▅▋█▇▇ ▍▄▊▌ ▋▅▌▍ ▊▆▄ ▇▊▆▊▉▌▇ ▆▇▅█ ▆▍▊▇ █▊█▆▆▅▇▆ ▍▋▄▍▅▉▆▅ ▊▍▋▇ █▆▋ ▇▇▇▅▄▆ █▋ ▋▅ █▋▅ ▉█▍▌ ▄▇▆▌. ▉▌▆▋▄▍▌ ▇▅▇▌ ▅▍ ▅▍▌▄▆▍▉▍ ▆▌▊▌▅ ▊▅▍▌▇▅▄▍▋█▅▇▍▇▊█▊▌▊() ▉▆▇▉ ▅▌ ▋▇▊▌▆▍▉ ▍▍▆▊█ ▇▍▊▅▍██ ▊▊▆▊▌ ▉▊ ▄ ▄▆▌▇▊▋▄ ▉▌ ▇▅██▊█▄ ▄▍▍▆▌▍█▇ => ▍▅▉▅█▊▌ ▆▊▍█▋ ▅▌▍ ▋▇█▌▋▌▍▍▍ ▅▆▉▌▊▇▅▄▋ ▉█▉▅▌ ▄▅▉▌ ▌▉ "▆▋▍▆▍▆ ▍█ ▅▋█▄▅.▊▍▆▅▍" ▊▆▋█▍ ▊██▉█▇ '▋▆▍▄█▋' █▇▇▍ ▇▇▋▍▄▄-█▇▉▌▌▍▊▆
1 Year Ago
Move cloud model spawning logic to engine Fix prefab editing
1 Year Ago
Can drag and drop models, cloud models, prefabs into the game view
1 Year Ago
Add Camera.Size Add SceneCamera.GetRay Fix main camera size not being set properly Pass drag and drop through to server
1 Year Ago
In tools, when the mouse leaves the game view make it a passive child, so dropping files on it will pass down to Qt and let us do stuff. Restore it back to normal when hovered or console key is pressed. Add BlockingLoopPumper Qt Drag and drop is no longer blocking by default - Added Drag.ExecuteBlocking
1 Year Ago
When pressing the console key in editor, only focus the console if it's already visible Remove unused Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Change menu checked style border color back Move Asset.AssetTags to its own file
1 Year Ago
Simplify tagpicker Make checked tags more obvious in the menu
1 Year Ago
Remove built in default tags Cleaner tag autogenerated icons Simplify tag menu code Fix tags being case sensitive Fix crash when adding double space to tags Include all tags in one column, no need to complicate this