
14 Commits over 153 Days - 0.00cph!

1 Year Ago
Remove mono.cecil loading & resaving debug symbols, instead don't load .pdb
1 Year Ago
Merge from main -> harmony_qol
1 Year Ago
Disable throwIfSymbolsAreNotMatching
1 Year Ago
Merge from main -> harmony_qol
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Remove macos from Rust.Harmony
1 Year Ago
Fix project settings
1 Year Ago
Typo in error message logging
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Prevent "harmony.unload" from unloading all harmony hooks on the server
1 Year Ago
Add Mono.Cecil Harmony mods load new code when hotloading Enabled harmony in the editor
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Added "harmony.unload {name}" and IHarmonyModHooks to use loaded / unloaded hooks
1 Year Ago
Ability to load harmony mods after startup with "harmony.load {name}" command